letter from family♥

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Karna and subhadra were talking suddenly a two guard came.

Pranipat to you both this is letters for you.
Guard give 4 letters to subhadra and two letters to Karna and he goes out.

Karna to said subhadra "4 letter from whom it is".

Subhadra said"one let is from dwarka, second from dushala, third from gada and last letter is of parth. "

Karna ask "who is parth".

Subhadra said" He is my best friend ".but she was blushing so Karna decided to tease her.

Karna said" So he is your friends then why you are blushing sister ".

Subhadra said" No bharta i am not blushing ".

Karna said" I can see it sister if you consider me as brother so say truth".

Subhadra said"ok listen I like him and he too".

Karna said"so my future brother in law is there".

Subhadra said"bharta we just like each other we are not marrying tomorrow it will take time".
She realised what she said.

Karna said"so you decide you will marry him only good sister ".

Subhadra was blushing.

Subhadra said" Leave it two letters from whom ".

Karna said" One from my family and other from my childhood friend vrushali".

Subhadra said"childhood friend ".

Karna said" Not only friend more than friend sister".

Subhadra said "so my bharta found future bhabhi for me".

Karna shy look down.

Subhadra ask" What is her name bharta".

Karna said"her name is vrushali ".

Subhadra said" Nice name ".

Karna said "come on read letter but yes parth letter I will also read I want to know how is my brother in law".
Subhadra smile and said" Ok agree but you should show me vrushali didi letter to".

Karna said"ok deal".

Subhadra said"deal".

Dwarka letter.

Pranipat bhadra,

We are fine what about you are you settle well and how is your pratice is going on. Take care of yourself you know I can't leave without you come fast to us I am really missing you and when you will come there will be a surprise for you miss you dear take care love you.

Lovingly family.

Karna ask "what would surprise".

Subhadra said" When I will go then I will get to know after that I will tell you bharta".

Karna nodded.

Dushala letter.

Pranipat bhadra,

How are you , you know I miss you so much
But what to do you are not her present I think I should also come with you but I can't but you come fast to me and take care miss you dear.

Lovingly dushala.

Karna said"she is your best friend na ".

Subhadra said" Yes I too miss her".

Karna said "it's ok you will meet her soon".

Subhadra nodded take out other letter.

Gada letter.

Pranipat sister,

Did you settle down neatly or having any problem how was your training do you eat on time or not you know I learn archer not fully but half only. So is there anyone who is give company to you or not. Take care and eat on time.

Lovingly gada.

Karna said" He is say repeatedly eat on time did you skip food ".

Subhadra said" Sometimes ".

Karna said" But from today you should eat at time ".

Subhadra nodded.

Subhadra said"now read the letter of your family".

Karna family letter.

Pranipat son,

I know you are angry on me forgive when you training is over come fast to us you mother is waiting I know I did mistake but return to us after you training gets over".

Lovingly father and mother.

Karna had some tears in his eyes it was about to fall but subhadra caught it and said"what Happened bharta".

Karna said"my father once say that I can't get knowledge because all people think that sutputra can't get education of weapon
But gurudev said I will make You great archer and then i will show all the prince that sutputra can also learn archery.

Subhadra nodded.
Then Karna and subhadra look at a letter of parth and vrushali and said "first you".

Subhadra said" You first".

Karna said"no you first ".

To be continued..

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