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After 8 month hidimb was 8 month pregnant.

It's was night everyone have there dinner and left to there rooms.

Subhadra entered in her room arjun came from behind and hug her and kissed her neck she said"what are doing stop".

Arjun look at her eyes and said"I am spending time with my wife "..

He pulled her by his waist and kiss her lips . She put her hand on his chest. After sometime subhadra broke the kiss and start to leave but arjun stop her and said" Today I can't leave you".

Arjun made her laid on bed and Arjun
Lied over her carefully not to hurt her. Arjun hand was on subhadra waist Arjun again kiss her lips. After sometime Arjun leave her lips and see that her pink lips is became wet and more pinkish after kiss Arjun lose all control and kiss her lips gentle again.

Arjun remove her bangales and place it on tables. He remove her  veil Arjun kiss her neck he can smell the smell of lotus from her body. Arjun start to kiss her on her neck, templas, eyelids, cheecks, forehead, palms and lips. Arjun gently make a lovebite on subhadra neck, she moaned by this.

Arjun look at her eyes to take permission she smiled blushingly. Arjun remove her hair locks and smell it. Subhadra was close her eyes because she was blushingly heavily. Arjun kiss her face inches by inches. Then Arjun give her some sweet bites on her neck. He then kiss her waist he remove her waist band from her waist and he started making pattern on her navel with nose and kiss them.

Arjun removed his and her clothes and covered them with blanket and arjun entered in her. Subhadra feels pain ,her pain was come out in tears arjun kiss her softly to reduce her pain , then after sometime pleasure took over her pain.arjun covered themselves with blanket and subhadra hug him.

Arjun look at subhadra she is sleep like a child. He kiss her forehead by this subhadra hug him more tightly and goes in his arms. He hugged her close to it her heart.

Next day.

Arjun get up and found his beyond beautiful wife is getting ready.he smile and pulled her she land on his chest and said"leave me arya i have to go mata is calling me".

Arjun made her laid on bed and laid over her gently not to hurt her and said"tell mata that you are busy with you arya".

Subhadra said"why dont you tell mata".

Arjun placed a kiss on her neck and said"should i ".

Subhadra blushed and said" No because of you everyone will tease me now leave ".

Arjun kiss her lips and leave her after sometime and said" Ok go".

She left blushingly.

Bheem and kunti were maing ladoos and subhadra was making kheer.

Bheem take one ladoo to feed subhadra he take the ladoo near her mouth as soon as food smell came near subhadra nose she feel vomiting senstion she covered her and left to washroom.kunti and hidmaba shared a mischievous glance. Subhadra came out bheem ask "are you ok bhadra ".

Subhadra nodded and said" It may be because of headache".

Bheem nodded.

Subhadra was playing with nakul sahdev Arjun and bheem.

Kunti and hidimb were sitting and having talks. Yuddister was sitting watch them playing.

Subha eyes were tide. Nakul was calling her "bhadra here".

Sahdev call" Sister here".

Arjun was just quiet. Subhadra was walking from here to there. Suddenly subhadra head starts to spin she don't know what happened to her . She stop and hold her head. All look confused.

Suddenly she was about to fall on ground before than Arjun caught her. Arjun hold her by waist and called her"chitra get up what happened get up chitra".

Kunti said"Arjun pick her up ".

Arjun up her in arm in bridal style and take her to her room and made her laid on her bed. And sit beside her and hold her hand and said" Get up chitra please i cant leave without you please".

Subhadra was not responding. When nakul came and check her. He smiled Arjun was confused and ask"why are smiling say something ".

Nakul came near him and hug him and said" My dear brother you are going to be a father".

Arjun was were happy he hug nakul back and happy tears gathered in his eyes. Kunti smiled Arjun hug kunti. everyone congratulate him.

Everyone left from there . Arjun sit near subhadra he kiss her forehead . After sometime subhadra walk up. She get up and try to sit when Arjun help her he sit beside her subhadra can see he is so hally but she don't know reason.

Subhadra ask"what happened you seems most happy".

Arjun smiled and cares her cheeks and kiss her. Subhadra was shocked hy his suddenly kiss. After that when he leave her kiss her forehead and said"thank you".

Subhadra ask"why".with confuse face.

Arjun said"for make me happiest man for making me father".

Happiness caught subhadra eyes tears gathered in her she placed her hand in her stomach and said"really".

Arjun nodded. Subhadra hug him for long time. After that they goes out everyone congratulate them and enjoy the day.

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