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Pandavas with kunti and subhadra reach hastinapur. It almost night.

Pandavas and kunti get down and come forward.

Gandhari said"Arjun called you wife".

Arjun called subhadra. Subhadra slowly walk from flower and came towards gandhari and take her blessings.

Gandhari said"I am were happy that my Arjun got such a beautiful princess as a wife".

Subhadra smiled.

Gandhari said "come let's me welcome you both".

Arjun subhadra stand with each other gandhari welcome them. Then blessed them.
Arjun subhadra take every ones blessings.

Then they take pitamha blessings.

Pitamha said" May you both always leave happily and subhadra I welcome you in our family ".

Arjun subhadra smiled at each other. Then all went inside.

Kunti gandhari and dushala take subhadra and start to make her ready for her first night. And pandavas make Arjun ready for his first night. Both Arjun and subhadra were excited after all this night will not come again.

Now subhadra was ready they decorated her with flowers and some jeweller. They take her to Arjun room. They made her sit then kunti left.

Dushala said"so now my sakhi no I am bhabhi start to blush only thinking about my bharta what if he come in front of you".

Subhadra said"don't tease me sakhi".

Dushala said"ok bye sakhi".

Subhadra said"bye".

Dushala left. Subhadra was waiting for Arjun.

Arjun was ready suddenly one maid came and said"all prince should be in court room now it's king order" . All pandavas nodded and left.

In court room

Pandavas and kauravas greeted them.

Bhishma said"putra there is letter from madra raj they Arjun help in a war which is tomorrow but how can we send Arjun he is just married we are in dilemma".

Duryodhan said" But pitamha it is the only way that people will get to know that the future king has a excellent warrior if Arjun wins the war the strength of yuvraj will become great".

Shakuni said"you are correct duryodhan ".

Dhritarashtra said" As per request you should go Arjun but you decide what will you do".

Arjun said"I will go".

Bheem said"no needed I will go".

Arjun said"no bharta bheem madra raj must ask my help because it must me only I can handle so I will go ".

Bheem said" How can you Arjun you are just married ".

Arjun said" Yes I know bharta bheem but I should go they needed me I know bhadra will understand me".

Pitamha said"think once again Arjun".

Arjun said "this war is also important to make people understand that there yuvraj have strength".

Pitamha said" Ok then get ready".

Arjun nodded he change in to war dress. He then goes to meet subhadra before going. Subhadra was looking at stars. She feel someone's footsteps she look back and found Arjun with how in his hand and in warrior dress. Subhadra move towards Arjun. And look at him.

Subhadra said"are you going for a war".

Arjun said"yes my love madra raj had request me to help him in war so I need to go I know today I must be with you but I also have to fullfill responsibility to I know my bhadra she will understand me".

Subhadra said"may you come back with victory arya".

Arjun held her close to his heart. Subhadra hug him tightly. Arjun wiped the tears on her cheeck. He kiss her forehead and said"I will return soon till than you sleep with maa".subhadra nodded. Arjun then left from there. Kunti came to subhadra to take her to her room as she hear about Arjun departure.

Kunti and Subhadra went to balcony and see Arjun from there. Before getting on horse Arjun look toward his balcony and see subhadra she nodded his head. Arjun smiled and get in horse.and left kunti takes subhadra to her room and made her sleep.

To be continued

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