brother love for there sister♥

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All get together for lunch .

Balram called subhadra "gudiya come and sit with me"

Krishna said "no dua ruchi will sit with me ".

Balram in anger" No gudiya will seat with me "

Krishna "no ruchi will sit with me "

They start there fight it had 1 hour then also they are fighting.

Then Arjun was just looking at his madhav and subhadra.
Then subhadra says "ok i will solve the problem dua you sit on my right and bharta Krishna you on my left it so simple. "
Subhadra look at me and smiled and goes to sit between balram and Krishna. Arjun goes and and sit in front subhadra, so he can see her. Then nakul sit on left Arjun and bheem at right side of Arjun so they can tease him.

Now lunch had start. Now balram and Krishna start to feed there sweet and mischievous sister. Subhadra also feed them
All were happy to see there bond. In the world were brother just use there sister for kingdom alliance by get them married to anybody, Krishna and balram are make there sister there first priority and care for her, love her more than there life, and protect her. All eyes on Krishna and balram they are great warriors who kill kansa but soft hearted for there sister.

Arjun gaze was fix on subhadra nakul says "bharta i think you should tell mata that you want to marry her se will fix it and when you both grow up your marriage will happen " Arjun galred him but inside he was think shall he do this try .

Nakul and bheem were eating less and teasing Arjun.

After feast is over all wash there hand and now kunti says" Krishna balram and subhadra you go an take rest "they went to one chamber there was also a swing subhadra goes there and sit.

subhadra ask to there brother "bharta can i sleep in your lap . "
Both brothers came and hug her and said "why not "
Subhadra kept her head in balrams lap and Krishna kept subhadra feet in his lap and Krishna play flute then subhadra slept then balram carried subhadra and place her on bed gently and both kiss her forehead and says "take rest little one"

Both hug her and slept huging her.

This was the love for brother for there sister.

How they care for there sister balram and Krishna never leave they person who hurt there sister. The person who hurt there sister has to die. ..............

Next chapter will be of arsu special moment

To be continued...

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