marriage of arsu♥

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Next morning

Whole dwarka was decorated as a new bride all were running here and there. Of course today is marriage of dwarkartana.

Revathi and rukmini arrange a chandansanan for subhadra. After subhadra take bath. They made her wear red colour heavy saree with heavy jewellers and they decorated her hair.

Rukmini said"I think arjun will not control himself after seeing you".

Dushala said"you are right rukmini bhabhi".

Subhadra said"stop dushala I will take revenge on your marriage ".

Dushala said" I will wait my bhabhi".

Subhadra smiled.

Balram and krishna came and said"is gudiya Or ruchi ready".

Revathi said"yes ".

Balram goes near his sister and cupped her face and hug her he cried while hugging her subhadra was also having tears. Later krishna join in hug three siblings were stand will hugging each other.

Krishna said" Dau see the girl who was little and now she is getting married ".

Balram said" Yes she grow too much fast".

Subhadra said"really ".

Balram and krishna laugh and said" You look beautiful ".

Subhadra smiled.

In arjun chamber.

Nakul was making arjun ready. Bheem and sahdev were helping him. He was wearing white dhoti and red angavashta and jewellery. Kunti come near arjun and said" My son look handsome ".

Nakul said" Then me mata".

Kunti said"my all son look handsome".

Nakul hug her.

Dushala came and said"but your sons are not handsome as my sakhi mata".

Kunti said "that is correct dushala".

Nakul said" Of course she is sister of most handsome man in world".

Dushala said"bharta yesterday only mata said she is born beautiful ".

Bheem said" Yes and who said you are handsome mata say it only for joke don't take ot serious nakul".

Nakul said "I am not interested in your joke I am going to meet my bhabhi bye".and nakul left.

Gada came and said" Arjun come it's time".

Arjun goes out with kunti and his brothers and sister.

Arjun came in mandap. He takes his seat he do some ritual. The priest said "call bride".

Sataybhama said" I will bring ".she left.

Sataybhama goes in subhadra chamber and said" Come subhadra it's time".

Balram and krishna held her hand and take her to mandap. Arjun was eagerly waiting for subhadra.

After sometimes surrounding became change nature has become happy. Suddenly Arjun ears caught a sound of melodies anklet Arjun turned and see his heart skip beat. She is look like a god who enter in earth. She was were red color saree which had peacock pattern in saree and golden border and his agavastara match with her. His face was glow her lips were soft and pinkish her cheecks and nose is became red because of her saree.

She slowly move toward Arjun they share eye lock. Then subhadra take sit beside Arjun. They both were doing ritual. Then vasudev and rohini come forward and gave there daughter to Arjun. Arjun held there hand and assured them.

Arjun subhadra stood up from sit and priest said"exchange garlands".

This is when krishna balram gada and satayaki carried there sister so Arjun can't garland her.

Krishna said"arjun you have to do it its difficult to take our sister".

Then pandavas brothers came and picked Arjun. Then Arjun try two time after that subhadra bow her head and Arjun garland her.

Subhadra pick her hand to garland Arjun and Arjun already bowed down his her to her.

Nakul said"what is this bharta ".

Arjun said" What it's my marriage so let me decide".

All smiled. After that they made them stand. Then priest said"sit "then they did some rituals.

Priest said" Call groom sister to tie the knot".

Dushala came forward she tie subhadra saree with Arjun angavashtra".

Priest said"time take sevan vows now".

Arjun subhadra held each others hand.Arjun walk in front.

First vow -we will trust each other in every matter.

Second vow-we will love each other forever.

Third vow-we will respect and each other decision too.

Fourth vow-we will stand by each other in every worst situation.

After fourth vow subhadra start to walk before Arjun.

Fiveth vow-we will take care of each other and each other decision too.

Sixth vow -we will protect each other.

Seventh vow -we will also remain loyal to each other.

After that rukmini came with chudamani.

Priest said"applied kumkum on her forehead and made her wear chudamani".

Arjun first applied kumkum on her forehead lovingly. The he placed chudamani on her head which symbol that she belongs to him.

After that priest said"now they are husband and wife".

Arjun held subhadra hand and subhadra held Arjun hand.

They both goes near pitamaha and take his blessings.

Pitamha said"always be happy".

They take everyone blessing then they goes near karna. Subhadra take his blessings.

Karna said"always be happy".

Subhadra smiled.

Karna looked at Arjun and said"and better you take care of her".

Arjun nodded smilingly.

All smiled.

To be continued

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