the feast♥/promise ❤/love❤

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All get ready , then feast start. All enjoy feast.
And then.
balram came and said subhadra and Krishna we are returning tomorrow for dwarka.
Kuntu dushala, and pandavas said "noo ".

Krishna, subhadra and balram look shook

All said " Why this soon".

Balram said "bua we came attended feast and meet you now it over now dwarka need us there are some problems so me and kanha should be there to help father. "

Kunti said"then why you are taking subhadra.

Balram said"bua we have to take her because kalywan has reach near hastinapur so we need to change place for subhadra in dwarka there are  great Undefeatable warriors for subhadra safety and all whole Undefeatable nayarani sena so subhadra should be at dwarka that why we should take subhadra.

Kunti , pandavas and dushala nodded sadly.

Balram said"Subhadra go pack you bags. Kanha you too."

They want all pandavas goes with dushala to meet kanha and subhadra they have some time with playing game talking laugh.

Now all pandavas left and dushala to then subhadra said "today I will go  to bua kunti and sleep can I."
Both nodded. So she left the chamber and began to go she see Arjun look at garden.

She goes near him and said "parth what are you doing her. "
Parth smile and said "nothing just starting at nature.
She smiled.
Parth ask " Do you need any thing ".
Subhadra said" Yess".
Path said"tell me I will give you that thing ".
She smiled and said" I want a promise from you parth. "
Parth said"what promise bhadra".
Subhadra said"promise me that when you will grow up you will the great achery in world. "
Parth look at her and said"I promise you bhadra that I will became a great achery in world only for you".

Parth ask "will you miss me".
She playfully reply" Don't know".

She asked "will you miss me"
Parth playfully reply"don't know".

And then parth immediately hug her.
She too hug him back because tomorrow they will be separate and both will miss each other. After sometime they broke hug and she said "ok good night parth.
Parth said " Good night bhadra".
And left.

Subhadra goes to kunti and see dushala they hug then subhadra said to kunti " Bua will I sleep here. "
Kunti happily nodded both dushala and subhadra hug kunti and sleep.

Subhadra pov:

Subhadra will you miss him? I think yes I will miss him most. Don't know why I feel connect to him when he see in my eyes. I don't know what it so I think when I would grow up I will get answer.

Arjun pov:

Arjun you will miss her so much . Don't know why I find my happiness in her eyes. Now I am sure I love her. But I thought to wait when correct time come iwill tell her when we grow up. And I have to fulfill my promise I give to her. I will became a great archery and come to dwarka to ask you hand from her family.


In hastinapur

Morning sun rise but all palace is sad  because of dwarka guest leaving.
Balram take blessing and hug there brothers and goes near chariot and called them both

Before going Krishna said to parth"parth you should keep your promise because if it broke then that person heartsbroke . Arjun nodded.
Krishna said"if you see your happiness in someones eyes them ahe is you soulmate don't lose her and never break her heart ".
Arjun was conformed that subhadra is his soul mate. Arjun nodded to Krishna words.

Nakul goes near subhadra and said"subhadra come fast ok your crime partner will wait for you too do pranks.
"In mind, I can't wait to see you as my bhabhi.
They smile all look at them.

Bheem came and said "subhadra next time came we will eat and enjoy".

Sahdev said "next time we will so much books. " Subhadra smile warmly.

Yuddister said" come soon. "
Subhadra said" I will when you will became king of hastinapur. "

All pandavas became happy by her word also pitmaha , kunti and vidhur.

Then she goes to her best friend she said" I will miss you subhadra "
Subhadra said"I will miss you too dear. Suddenly dushala hug her tightly and released after some time.
Krishna come and said "may be you meet soon.
Subhadra smiled and said" Dushala it bharta Krishna said we will meet soon. "
Dushala nodded with happiness.

Then ahe goes to pitamaha, pitamha said"we all will miss you voice in our palace dear. "Subhadra smiled and take blessing.

Vidhur bless her whole heartly.

Subhadra goes to  Arjun.
She give him a bracket and said"this is will remain you about me."
Arjun gave her pair of anklet and said when ever you wear and walk you will fill my presence.
Both look at each other.

Then balram said"kanha gudiya come on let go

Subhadra look all with tears and left the place and sit in chariot.  And all say bye and the chariot goes out of the palace Arjun was seeing the chariot till it get invisible.

Nakul said"bharta once you grown up bring her fast to our family by making her our bhabhi, the kulvadhu of hastinapur. Arjun said"your wish will complete by me nakul.
And they hug each other

And now all  goes inside the palace and miss subhadra anklet sounds and her cute and loveable eyes.
Dushala ,nakul and Arjun were more sad because she was dushala best friend, nakul crime partner and Arjun love.........

Arjun pov:

She goes to her home, subhadra i promise I will became great achery you want me to be thatswhy. And one day I will proudly asked your hand and you will be parthjaya of this parth and arjunpriya .

Subhadra pov:

I will miss you Arjun but your gift is so beautiful and I believe you will fulfill my promise and smile meet you soon parth.

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Now there will be karna enter  after 6 to 7 chapter?

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