letter from sakhi♥

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Subhadra was with her new bhabhi and there brothers son. Krishna enter and said in sweet voice"bhadra ". Balram was also with Krishna.

Subhadra said " Don't talk to me".

Rukmini said"forgive him this time dear".

Subhadra said"no he write so many letters when I was in Pasharum asharam and in kanyakul but never say that he is married.

Balram said"kanha I told you na you should tell she is our sweet sister".

Krishna said "dau dont take advantage of this ok ".

Subhadra sit look angry.

Krishna goed near her and held her hand and said " Dear bhadra you are my first daughter I am sorry I just want to give you suprise that's why I keep it suprise you are my angel my yogamaya and my first and favorite child pless forgive you bro+father."she melt by his word she hug him he to hug her the invited balram snd three hug each other.

Subhadra personal maid came and said "rajkumaari dushala sent you a letter ".

Subhadra happly exclaimed"dushala "

And take the letter and opened it.

Pranipat bhadra,

How are you after 2 days there is kalapradashan you have to come please come bhadra you will meet kunti mata and pandavas please come I really miss you kunti mata also wish to see you even bharta nakul will happy to see his prank partner and other will also happy I am waiting for you".


All come on subhadra and find subhadra reading something.
They ask "what it is putri".

Subhadra said" Dushala invited me for kalapradashan which is after two days".

Vasudev said"I also got letter from pritha".

Subhadra said with innocent look"can I go".

Krishna said"that is fact to think".

Balram said"no I will not leave you alone".

Krishna said"that is fact to think".

Subhadra said"please fulfilled you beloved sister wish. "

Balram melt by her word said"ok but fine fast I can't leave without you ".

Subhadra said" You all are not coming ".

Balram said" No jarasandha and kalywan is trying to attack dwarka so we should here".

Subhadra said"why don't you kill them and stop this all".

Krishna said"everything had it's perfect time dear".
She nodded.

Balram said"I will tell guard to take you hastinapur safely".

Subhadra smiled and hug balram.

Krishna ask"why you are so much interested to go hastinapur ".

Subhadra said" I am eager to meet my cousin, bua and best friend.

Krishna said"ok come let play ".

Subhadra said" Ok I will call bharta gada ,bharta satayaki and dau you should also come. With innocent look.

Balram melt seeing her face and said "yes I will. "

Subhadra goes to call her bharta.

In gada chamber.

Subhadra said"bharta come we are going to play ".

Gada said" If this much sweetly you call then I will definitely come ".

And gada forward his hand subhadra place her and goes to satayaki room.

Satayaki chamber.

Subhadra gada said" Bharta".

Satayaki said"bhadra you should me i would come too".

Subhadra said"I am her to take and tell you that I am going hastinapur tomorrow ".

Satayaki said" Why are you going there and where are you take me"..

Subhadra said"I am going for kalapradashan in hastinapur and we are play so you should come".

Satayaki pulled her cheeck and kissed her forehead and said"come let go ".

They three goes toward garden and see balram and Krishna waiting for them they goes near them.

To be continued.

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