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Next morning

Subhadra take blessing from everyone. Hug her bhabhi and all family members.

Balram said to soliders head"take care of her".

Solider said"yes maharaj".

Subhadra goes to krishna and hug him krishna peck her forehead and give her a box and said"give it parth".

Subhadra said "what it is bharta".

Krishna said" You will know after some time".

Now subhadra goes to nishanth and pradyuman and ulmuka and hug them.

She goes to her dau. She take his blessings he hug her kiss her forehead and said"come soon and take care ".

Subhadra hug her parents and she get in the chariot and start her journey.

In hastinapur.

All were running her and there to decorate palace because they the most beautiful princess of arayavat the princess of dwarka is arriving.

Bhishma ordered all of them to discuss with dushala and make a chamber ready for dwarakaratna.

Kunti was also busy.

Nakul come and ask "mata did you see bharta Arjun".

Kunti said" No".

Nakul goes and ask all of them. But no body know about him.

Arjun was searching a perfect gift for his love. He heard something and see it was beautiful he decided to take it for her . And he gave some gold coins to him. And goes to palace but before going he hide it.

Nakul see Arjun and hug him and said"I am sorry i irritated you with my prank that's why you leave the palace I promise I will not tease you too much".

Arjun said"calm down I was just taking scroll ".

Arjun move toward his chamber and sit waiting for his love arrival.

Arjun keep it in a beautiful boxs and hide it. And goes out to see all sitting he to goes towards them and sit .

Sahdev said" You look happy whats the matter'.

Arjun said"nothing ".

All nodded but three person had mischievous smile. Guess who??

Yuddister came and said" Come on its lunch time ".

All nodded and leave.

After lunch kunti goes to gandhari chamber they were talking.

Maid came said" Rajkumaari subhadra will reach tomorrow morning. "

They nodded.

Kunti said"I am going to check arrangements.

Gandhari said"I will also come ".

They both left and check.

Arjjun look out of window and start smiling.

Nakul said" How much you love her bharta".

Arjun look at him.

Nakul said"she is not here still you are happy what will happen. When she will come".

Arjun blushed.

Nakul said"mata said tomorrow bhadra is coming ".

Arjun said" When".

Nakul said"morning she will come but we can't meet her that time as we will busy in kalapradshan after that you can't meet her'.

Arjun hummed.

Arjun nakul talk sometime and goes to do partice arena with other Pandavas.

To be continued.

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