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Next morning.

Everyone from hastinapur came.

Arjun was getting ready with help of his mother and brother.

Kunti said"Arjun after marriage one girl will entered in you life you should never hurt her".

Arjun said"I am your son I will never hurt her".

Kunti smiled and he made him wear a kavach.

Arjun said"why this kavach mata".

Kunti said"it's tradition that mata should tied a raksha kavach during marriage ".

Arjun smiled.

Nakul said" Bharta I am coming from bhabhis chamber you should Have to be in real world after seeing her because after seeing her you will go in dream land. My bhabhi look beautiful like me she is my sister thatswhy".

Arjun smiled and he was eager to see her.

Kunti goes near nakul and said"she is beautiful because she is beautiful from born not because she is your sister".

Bheem said"that's correct".

All laugh.

Krishna came and said"parth come it's time".

They all left. In Hall kunti stand with gandhari ,bhishma vidhur and dhritarashtra stand in other side. Kauravas stand with shakuni. Arjun sit which sit is for him . Pandavas and dushala stand besides Arjun.

In subhadra chamber:

All maid and yadavas kulvadhu made ready there beloved princess. She was wearing yellow colour saree. She was wearing flowers jeweller , she look heavenly beautiful.

Devaki kiss her forehead and said"how we will leave without you".

Subhadra didnt say anything just hug her mother tightly.

Revathi said"lets go".

All Royal Queen take subhadra.

Subhadra entered in Hall.all look at her.

Arjun though"nakul was right I am now in dreamland who is seeing fairy in front of me".

Arjun was just look at her. Subhadra also look at Arjun. Suddenly cough broke them. They both said"nakul Or bharta nakul".

Nakul said"so you remember me I thought you forgot me after looking at each other ".

They both blushed and other's laugh.

Subhadra sit in front of Arjun.

One by one everyone applied haldi on there cheecks.

Kunti appiled haldi and blessed them.

Gandhari appiled haldi with help of kunti.

Then devaki, valandhara, karenumati and vijaya appiled haldi then pandavas appiled haldi.

Gada said" May you always be happy".and appiled haldi on there cheecks.

Subhadra said"when you will bring bhabhi for me".

Gada said"soon".

Subhadra said"did you find any one".

Gada said"no but I will soon".

Satayaki come and appiled haldi and kiss her forehead and said"stay happy "

Subhadra smiled.

Dushala said" I am really waiting for your marriage".and appiled haldi on Arjun subhadra cheecks. Bhishma came and appiled haldi on there cheecks and said" May you both always live happy ".

Then subhadra parents appiled haldi and bless them.

Then subhadra's bhabhi appiled haldi.

Then krishna and balram child came and they appiled her haldi on arjun subhadra cheecks. Subhadra kiss them and appiled haldi on there cheecks.

Then balram and Krishna came .

Balram said" Now you cant escape gudiya".

Krishna said"yes ruchi dau is correct".

Subhadra said"I can understand dau is take revenge but why you are excited don't forget you get marriage without my presence ".

Krishna said" Still you didn't forgot ruchi ".

Subhadra said" Yes".

Krishan said"sorry once again".

Subhadra nodded.

Subhadra said in child voices" Dau you will take revenge".this can easily melt balram he said "no I will not".

They applied haldi on her cheecks. Subhadra applied there cheecks after that Krishna applied haldi on her nose.

Subhadra pouted and she to did same. They both laugh. Then Arjun subhadra shared a eye lock which brock because of nakul cough.

They came back in real world.

All were happy except duryodhan and shakuni they thing something to cook up. But they were fearing yadavas.

Then revathi said"gudiya go any change your dress we will come within no time ".
Subhadra nodded. And left.

Kunti said" Arjun you too go and change you cloths".arjun nodded and left.

Arjun take haldi and goes to subhadra chamber. He entered in her room and closed the door. Subhadra look at him.

Subhadra ask"parth what are you doing here what if anyone will see".

Arjun pulled subhadra by her waist which make subhadra shocked. Arjun rubbed his cheecks on her cheecks. Subhadra closed her eyes . He take haldi and appiled on her waist. Subhadra moaned by his touch subhadra turned other side facing her back to him. Arjun removed subhadra hair and put them on her shoulder. He first kiss her back then he appiled haldi on back and continued till bare waist And he kiss her neck and appiled haldi on her neck. He hug subhadra from back and appiled haldi on her chest. Subhadra blushed heavily. Arjun take her palms and kiss her palms and appiled haldi on her palms and he continued till her shoulder. He same did on her other side. Arjun put his both hand on her waist and pulled her and kiss her lips. They didn't broke the kiss. After sometime they broke the kiss. Arjun kiss her forehead deeply and said"I can't wait to see you my wife".

Subhadra smiled. Arjun hug her once again and said"now get ready for lunch".

Subhadra nodded and he left.

Subhadra change her dress wear light jewelry and left towards dining table.

Arjun change his dress and wear some jewelry and left towards dining table.

All came to dining hall and have lunch.

To be continued

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