proposal ❤

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Next evening.

All wer present in Hall expect Arjun subhadra.

Kunti said"bharta vasudev i want something from you".

Vasudev said"ask kunti i will give".

Kunti said"yes I know you will give but think again I am ask that is very precious".

Vasudev ask"what it is ".

Kunti said" Subhadra ".

Vasudev said" Subhadra?? "

Kunti said"yes I am asking subhadra hand for my Arjun".

Kunti tell her everything's.

Pandavas smiled at each other.

Vasudev said "I am glad that you ask subhadra hand for Arjun but I should ask chitra first".

Devaki and rohini too smiled.

Kunti nodded.

Vasudev said" Maid go call chitra".

Maid left.

Subhadra chamber:

Arjun said "subhadra where are everyone".

Subhadra said" In Hall".

Arjun said"then it's ok".

Subhadra gave confused look when Arjun pulled. Subhadra said"leave me parth".

Arjun said"never".

Arjun hug her and was about kiss her when a maid came and said"rajkumaari subhadra maharaj is calling you".

Subhadra said"ok you go I will come".

Arjun said"why now mamashree call you".

Subhadra said"I don't know".

Arjun said" Then let's go ".

Subhadra nodded and they left.

They reached in Hall all pandavas were smiling at them mischievous they both gave confused look at them. Then subhadra goes to vasudev.

Subhadra said" Pitashree do you call me".

Vasudev said"yes there is a proposal for you marriage ".

Subhadra said" What ".

Vasudev said" Yes it's from hastinapur ,for Arjun kunti ask you hand".

Subhadra look at her father then at kunti then at Arjun who was look at her.

Vasudev said"can i give word of your marriage ".

Subhadra look down and nodded.

Vasudev look at his wives they nodded.

Vasudev hug subhadra and said" Balram do you agree ".

Balram said" If my sister is happy then I am also happy ".

Subhadra hug balram.

Krishna said" Forgot me ".

Balram and subhadra invited him in a hug they three group hug. Nakul goes near Arjun and said" From today I can tease you more".

All laugh.

Subhadra goes near kunti and hug her and take blessing she hig and give her blessing.

Kunti said"so let call priest and decided dates".

Balram said"yes Krishna call priest ".

Krishna nodded.

Gada said" So finally you both are uniting ".
Putting hand of arjun subhadra shoulder.

They both smiled and gada hug subhadra.

All leave the Hall.

Subhadra room:

Subhadra hug Arjun and said" I don't believe that we will get married soon Arjun".

Arjun said"if you want I can make you believe ".

Subhadra blush slight then said " Let's go".

Arjun said"where".

Subhadra said"to garden ".

Arjun and subhadra goes toward garden they had beautiful time after sometime they left. They goes near dining hall. They all had dinner and left to chamber to sleep.

To be continued.

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