truth and dare♥

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In hastinapur near waterfall..

All are ready to play the sit making circle
Yuddister said "bheem truth or dare".
Bheem said"truth bharta".
Yuddister said"what was you biggest strength. "
Before bheem nakul said"ladoos"😂and laugh.
Bheem get angry and said"no".
Yuddister said"nakul dont do this or you will out of game".
Nakul nodded.
Bheem said "my strength is my family".
All clap for his answer.

Bheem said" Arjun truth or dare".
Arjun looked at her and said"truth".
Bheem see nakul and with eyes can i ask the question. Nakul nodded.
Bheem said "did you get you princess of heart. "
Arjun was now in the state what should he answer.
Arjun look at her and said confidently "yes may be".
Subhadra look at him.
Bheem said" who is she ".
Arjun said "bharta only one question is allowed no 2 . "
Yuddister said" It is correct ".
Bheem nodded.

Arjun ask subhadra lovingly" Truth or dare bhadra".
Subhadra said "truth".
Arjun said " Whom you loved the most bharta balram or Krishna".
Subhadra look at him. Then she see that krishna is waiting for answer.
Subhadra said"I love both of them and no one less and no one more than other ".
All claped Krishna hug his priya subhadray.

Subhadra said" Truth or dare dear. "
Dushala said"truth".
Subhadra said "so who is most important in you family. "
Dushala said"my pandavas bro and my both mata and pitashree and you dear. "
Subhadra smile.

Dushala said"bharta sahdev truth or dare. "
Sahdev said"truth".
Dushala said "give me reason that why you read and love you book so much.
Sahdev said" I loves because it give us knowledge and help us to guide that's why I love books.
Dushala said"so nice bharta".
All clapped.

Sahdev said"my dear twins truth or dare".
Nakul said"dare".
Sahdev said"ok so say that you are world ugly personal 1".
Nakul said in shock "noo".
Sahdev said " Don't forget rule nakul you take dare and you have to do it now".
All said do it then nakul do it.

Nakul ask to Krishna"truth or dare".
Krishna said"always truth".
Nakul said "ok now say if kalywan abduct subhadra what would you do."
Krishna said"first thing kalywan can't abduct her till dau and I am there. And second is if she get abduct I will not leave the person alive. He has to face his death".
Nakul said "wow you love her this much".
Krishna said " Yess she is my yogmaya without her I am incomplete ".
Nakul nodded.

Krishna ask yuddister truth or dare.
Yuddister said " Dare".
Krishna said"describe dharm in one word".
Yuddister said"my breath".
All clapped and now decided take some rest.

Now it time to them go in palace. All sit in chariot and goes to kunti chamber.
They ask permission and she granted.

Kunti ask them all who was with balram"how was picnic ".

All said " Excellent "

Kunti said ok get fresh feast will started after some time.

All goes.

And they get some rest and get ready.

To be continued.

How was game?

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