marriage dates❤

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Next morning the news went to hastinapur expect kauravas and shakuni all were happy.

Subhadra send a letter to karna.

Karna smiled and read.

Pranipat bharta,

My marriage is fixed with Arjun you should come and attend my marriage every rituals with bhabhi ok dont be late and if possible take dushala with you".

Lovingly kalyani.

He see dhritarashtra and dushala.

Dushala ask"pithashree can i go to dwarka ".

Dhritarashtra said" How will you go alone".

Karna was present in Hall he said"maharaj i am going to dwarka if you say than i can take dushala too".

Dhritarashtra said"If you take responsible then I will be relaxed."

Karna said"dushala get ready we will leave in afternoon".

Dushala nodded and went .

Karna with Vrushali came to entrance dushala came she take blessing from every one and sit in chariot and left from hastinapur.

In dwarka:

It's night

Krishna, subhadra and balram were playing game all pandavas were watching them. All look at Arjun who was looking at subhadra.

Krishna said" Parth my ruchi is going to be yours then also you are staring at her".

Subhadra look up when Krishna complete his line. "

She blushed hearing. She look at Arjun who was still looking at her. They both look at other side. All laugh.

Gada came and said"all come down priest has came ".

All went down.

Kunti said" Priest please tell a perfect date for Arjun and subhadra marriage ".

Priest said" After a 1 month there is perfect date if you miss that date than after 6month also there is a date".

Kunti ask"you say bharta".

Vasudev said"pritha the marriage is of subhadra and Arjun let them decide ".

Arjun said" No 6 month mata".

Subhadra said"1 month day is best".

Suddenly the both embarrassed what they said. All laugh.

Kunti said"so as groom and bride select the date there marriage will be after 1 month".

Nakul said"well bharta why you can't wait for 6 month which important work you have after marriage that you can't wait ".

Arjun said" I don't have any work".

Nakul said"so mata change the day ".

Arjun said" No mata it's my marriage so I will decide ".

Nakul said" But you don't have any work so 6 month is better".

Arjun said"nakul.. ".

Kunti said" Stop".

Vasudev said" Pritha did you send this news to hastinapur ".

Pritha said" Yess bharta".

Three voiced came "bhadra, subhi and kalyani".

To be continued.

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