demons cave♥

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Now it has been 10 day after varnavat incident.

All pandavas with subhadra and kunti were walking in forest. Kunti and pandavas were not have any problem as once they use to leave in forest but it was difficult for subhadra as she never walk in forest without any shoe.

Subhadra feet was now can bear more pain but she still follow her family. Nakul and sahdev make some paste for subhadra feet and it get heal.

They all were walk when 5 bramhan came they look terrified.

Pandavas ask"what happened bramhan".

Bramhan said"some solider are find us so they can kill us ".

Pandavas said" Don't worry we will protect you" .

Now all starts to walk. They reach at up. Suddenly they hear horse sound and solider chanting"yuvraj aswahtama ki jay".

Hearing it pandavas kunti subhadra look at each other.

Slowly horse sound become fast. Pandavas kunti and subhadra goes from there and hid themselves.

Ashwatthama reach near bramhan and ask"is there any problem ".

Bramhan said"some solider are find us so they can kill us ".

Aswhathama said" Don't worry we will protect you" .

Bramhan said"yes we all will go".

He look back and find no one.

Aswahtama ask"what happened ".

Bramhan said" With us there was 7 more people. Two were ladies and 5 men. God know where they went".

Ashwatthama ordered to his solider to find them and take the bramhan.

Solider starts to find them.pandavas kunti and subhadra goes inside a cave to hide.

They all went inside cave and see it is very dark and dirty.

Arjun said"jyest by mistake we entered in demons cave".

Subhadra move little closer to arjun and ask while looking at here and there"is there any demon".

Arjun smiled said"may be or may be not bhadra".

Suddenly a bird came and fly from nakul head which made nakul scream. As nakul scream subhadra held Arjun arm and scream.

All starts to laugh at them.

Kunti said"stop tease them now let's take some rest".

All laid on floor.

Suddenly bheem ask"mata what must demon eat".

Arjun said"bharta they eat us ".

Nakul said" Bharta bheem you must be there favourite dish as how big you are".

Bheem held nakul neck and tighten the grip when kunti stop them.

All were sleep. Suddenly a crying sound came. Arjun open his eyes and get up subhadra was about to put her hand on Arjun she realize Arjun is not there he was sitting.

Subhadra also hear the voice before she could say Arjun run towards direction.

Subhadra called out "arya arya".

Hearing her scream everyone get up.

To be continued.

Sorry for late update.

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