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Getting married? Me? I'm not even in a relationship. "How?"I asked Brandon.

He sighed before he answered me. "Your father is planning on marrying you off to some random rich guy in exchange for a share in their business." I blinked once then twice. "No I can't. It can't be." I said not believing. Did he really sell me for his business? Now it make sense. Brandon wanted to save me. My hero. "Okay. Let me get this straight, we will pretend like we're dating?" I asked and Brandon nodded.

"Why didn't you say so?" I screamed throwing my hands in the air. "Can we go now?" He asked. "What about my Ice Age marathon?" I pouted.
"We'll make a day to watch that." He said and I smiled. "Okay let me change." I picked up my dress to give Brandon a hint to leave but he didn't move.

"Can I have some privacy?" I asked and Brandon smirked. He folded his arms on his chest. "Make me." He said smirking. Huh copy cat. Two can play at that game. I started unzipping my onesie in slow motion. I giggled when I saw Brandon swallowing his saliva hard.  "Okay I'll leave geez!" He said almost running out of my bedroom.

I've decided to go all natural tonight. I went to the kitchen and Brandon evaluated me head to toe. "What? Is the dress okay?" I asked.
"It's perfect. You're perfect." We were lost in each other's eyes until my phone buzzed. I went to check my phone and I was really surprised by the person sending me this text. DAD.
"We need to talk." It must be about the arranged marriage. Well too bad. I'm in a relationship. How I wish it was a real relationship. "Shall we?" I hooked my arm with Brandon's and we got inside his car. "So where are we going?" I asked.

"A public restaurant. That is where we'll be recognized." Brandon said and I made an 'O' shape with my mouth.
We got into the was actually a diner..
I ordered cheeseburger and fries while Brandon ordered a green salad. Now I feel insecure. We ate and talked to each other about random things. His favorite color is yellow. I know weird.

"Tomorrow is Friday." I said suddenly. Brandon looked at me confused. "Yeah so?" He asked with a mouthful of salad. Eww. Gross. " So I need to get home to prepare for tomorrow's presentation." I said picking up my bag. Brandon asked for the bill and gave the waitress 200 dollar tip. Pffhh. How polite. Note the sarcasm. We were nearly at Brandon's car when my phone rang. Caller id; Dad.

I ignored the phone call. "Who was that?" Brandon asked.
"No one." I said laughing awkwardly. Brandon said he needed to use the restroom so I waited for him. I leaned on his car. "About time. I was wondering when was he going to leave your sight." I looked at the person talking. He looked familiar. "Uhh.. Who are you?" I asked.

The guy at the party. Oh that guy. Why is he so handsome tonight. No it must be the margarita mix talking. "Oh hey..." I trailed off trying to remember his name. "Kevin." He said taking my hand and kissing it. "Kevin." I repeated.

"Can I help you?" I asked and he shook his head. He came near my ear. "Remember the Nerd Duck at your high school?" He said and I searched my brain and memory trying to remember. " Wait Derrick?" I asked and he nodded. No way. Why is he so different. He was the nerd. Teeth braces, awkward glasses and now he's....Wow. "No way!" I screamed hugging him. "Why didn't you say something at the party?"I asked and before he could answer Brandon showed up. "What's going on here?" Brandon asked and I looked at the position Kevin and I were in. He held my waist and his face was on my neck making it look like we were making out. Oh no.

"See you later." Kevin said placing a kiss on my forehead. I blushed and when I looked at Brandon he rolled his eyes. He got into the car. I was about to open the door on the passenger's side but he stopped me.

"Why don't you ask KEVIN to take you home? Since you guys can make out on my car!" He yelled.
Come on. Kevin? Seriously? I was about to reason with Brandon but he drove off.

"How am I supposed to get home!" I screamed.

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