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I woke up with a stiff neck. "Uhh! My neck." I mumbled. "Good morning." Brandon greeted.
"What's good about this morning?" I mumbled under my breath. Brandon handed me a cup of coffee. "Thanks." I said drinking the coffee. I immediately spit the coffee. "Too much sugar?" Brandon asked and I nodded.
"Sorry. I like my coffee sweet." He said taking his coffee. "Thank you so much for helping me last night." I said and Brandon nodded. "Its a pleasure. I finished all the other papers when you were asleep." He said and my smile grew three times wider. "Thank you Soo much! Oh you made my day." I said checking the papers and seeing that he really finished typing them. "Ohh I can kiss you right now!" I said out of the blue and I regretted it afterwards. Ohh nice going Linda. "Well.... I'm waiting." Brandon said and I blushed. "Uhh... I... I'm kind of... Late for work Soo..." I said avoiding the awkward situation. That you started. Shut up. Is it normal to have a conversation in your head? Or do I need a doctor?

"We still have 2hours before work. How about you shower and I'll bring you fresh clothes?" Brandon said and I nodded. "Thank you." I said heading to the bathroom to shower. After some minutes, I got out of the shower and saw a fresh set of intern uniform. I wore my uniform and luckily Brandon has a pack of new toothbrushes in his bathroom. I picked my papers and laptop.

"I have to go." I said seeing Brandon preparing breakfast. "Sit and eat first then I'll drop you to work." He said holding my shoulders making me sit down. " I'm not really the type of person who eats breakfast." I said honestly. I mean I don't get why they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Its not  scientifically proven right? Right.

Brandon looked at me like I just grew two heads. "I don't care. You'll eat it today." Brandon said placing a plate of bacon and eggs with toasted bread in front of me. I ate even though I wasn't that hungry. "Okay. Come on, let me drop you to work before you be late." He said looking for his car keys. Brandon is a nice guy don't get me wrong but he has this rich kid attitude. Part of me is irritated by him. The other part...Mhhh!

Brandon dropped me to work like he promised and left. He said  he needed to get ready for work. That's a bummer cause I wanted to see him without a shirt. I shook my head to clear these dirty thoughts. I decided to call Casey but she didn't answer her phone. She's so distant these days.

I walked into the building and I saw dad talking to the guy who gave me this much work. I greeted and I received the silent treatment. Okay.  "Linda! Where is the paperwork?" Dad asked. Are you kidding me? "Dad I..." Dad interrupted me raising his hand in the air. "It's Mr Franklin to you. I don't have a daughter." He said with a loud voice making everyone look at us. "I'm sorry Mr Franklin." I said my heart broken into pieces. He rejected me publicly. "Where is the paperwork?" He asked, his voice still loud.

I took out the paperwork and gave him. He looked surprised as if he wanted me to fail. Take that old man. He then scanned through the papers. "Go back to work." He said. I fought the urge to smile. He didn't win this round thanks to Brandon. Yeah thanks to Brandon. I smiled getting to my station. I opened my laptop and the screen immediately hurt my eyes.
I searched my bag for my glasses but they weren't here.

Maybe I left them at Brandon's apartment. Maybe I should call him. No. He has done so much for me plus I don't want to be a nuisance. "Hey Agustin." I turned to look at Brandon holding my glasses with one hand. "Looking for these?" He said with a mischievous smile on his face. "Yes. Can I please have my glasses?" I sighed answering him.

"You can have them. On one condition." He stated making me raise my eyebrows in confusion. "Go on a date with me." He said. Wait What!

Don't forget to vote and comment. Love you all for reading my story. Some of the events here are based on true events between my crush and I. Haha.

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