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Linda's POV

The doctor finally came out of the ER.

"Doctor, is she going to be okay?" Daniel asked. The doctor sighed. This cannot be good.

"She had severe internal bleeding. Which is not good for her at the moment."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked holding on to Brandon for support.

"She's in a coma. There's 30% chance for her to wake up from it." The doctor said.
I swallowed hard.

"Are you okay LA?" I nodded.

"There's still a chance for her to wake up right?" I teared up while asking the doctor.

"Linda." Brandon pulled me into a hug.

"I want to see her." I said pulling away from Brandon.

"LA. You need some sleep. This has been too much for you." Daniel said holding my shoulders.

"Okay. I'll see her when I come back right?" I asked and Daniel nodded.


I got inside Brandon's car and he drove to my house.

"I want to come back to work." I suddenly said and Brandon turned to look at me.

"Not happening."

"Please. I need to distract myself. I just..." I breathed out.

"Okay. But if you feel like it's a lot, you'll tell me okay?"


He gave me a smile.


"Are you sure you'll be fine on your own?" Brandon asked for the hundredth time.

"Yes. I want to have an early night. I'll go check Casey and after that I'm coming to the office." I kissed him on his cheek.

He smirked and then left. I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like him.

I took two sleeping pills to help me sleep.


I took a cab to the hospital to see Casey. My heart just broke.

Daniel was still in the ward holding Casey's hand.

"Here." I offered him coffee and he gladly took it.


"How is she?" I asked sitting down.

"Same. The police were here." Daniel sighed sadly.

I motioned for him to continue.

"Someone tampered with the brakes."

"WHAT!?" I whispered yelled.

He nodded.

"It can't be." Who could do such a thing? And why?

"The police are on it so we'll know who did it. I'm going to kill them with my bare hands." He said angrily.

I'm not a violent person but I'll gladly do that too.

"I brought Casey her makeup." I laughed trying to lighten the mood. And it did because Daniel laughed.

I applied makeup on Casey.

"She always wanted to stay pretty even when she had a fever." Daniel said making me burst out of laughter. My laughter died down when I looked at my best friend.

"She'll wake up." Daniel said snapping me out of my own mind.

"She better. She promised me a super dope Bachelorette party." I smile at the memory.

"Yea... So you and that Brandon dude, are you guys together?" He suddenly asked.

What do I tell him? What do I tell him?

"Yes. It's still new." I said trying to ignore the awkwardness.

He mumbled something before he looked at me to congratulate me. That was weird.

"I gotta go to work. I'll see you later." I went to his side and gave him a hug. So warm.


I was really happy when I heard that Gorilla had gone to a business trip to China. I went to my working station.

It's still the same.

"Linda! What are you doing here? You should be resting." Mrs Johnson said.

"I'm fine Mrs Johnson. I really need to distract myself or I'll go insane in that house."

"Okay. Knock yourself out." She said and I laughed.

I sighed getting back to my work.

Brandon did not come to work today. Maybe he's sick or he had a day off.

I'm so tired!

"Why don't you just go home and rest?"

"I want to be here." I said yawning.

"You look tired. I think..."

"Daniel. Just keep quiet." I said quietly. That was mean.

"I'm sorry." I apologized

"It's okay. Ah Linda?"
He called me by my name! This cannot be good.

"The... The doctor said IF Casey wakes up, she'll be braindead."


"He's suggesting that we.. uhh... We should switch off the machines." Daniel said holding my hands.

I shrugged his hands away from mine.


"Linda. It's the only...."
I interrupted him.

"No Daniel! If you switch off those machines, I'll never forgive you!" I yelled.

I kissed Casey on her forehead and left without saying a word to Daniel.

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