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Linda's POV

"Well then explain it to me!!" I screamed.

"It's... Uhh... Look she was trying to seduce me but I... I was trying to get her off me." Brandon stuttered.

Ava grinned. She was naked. She wasn't even embarrassed.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked tears rolling down.

"Since the Paris business trip." Ava answered.

"What?" I asked not believing in what I've been told.

"No! Linda. It's not like that I swear."

"I've lost my best friend and now I see this!!" I screamed.

"Linda please." Brandon begged.

"You know what Brandon. Stay with her. You guys deserve each other!" I spat.

"Linda!" Brandon screamed after me.

"Leave me alone!!"


"Brandon, leave me alone." I cried. He looked at me sadly.

"I'm sorry." He said leaving.
He doesn't even try to convince me.

I called Daniel to come and fetch me.

"That bastard!"

"Can we not talk about him right now?" I said taking a breath in.

"I can't wait to tell Casey abou...." I started tearing up when I realized what I've said.

"She would've gone crazy." Daniel laughed instantly making me laugh.

"Huh. Casey." I sighed.


We arrived at my house and Daniel opened the door for me.

"Thanks." I said.

"You gonna be fine on your own?" He asked and I nodded. He started to walk towards his car. He waved a goodbye and I waved back.

"Honey you're home." Mom ran towards me and hugged me.

"I made dinner. Come and eat."

"No thanks mom. I'll be in my room." I said with a smile on my face.

"Honey, you have to eat."

"Mom I'm fine!" I walked up the stairs to my room but mom stopped me.

"Linda Agustin Craig! You Have to eat!" She yelled.

"How about you tell me who my real father is!?" I yelled back immediately feeling bad.

"You wanna know about Tom? Fine! Sit!" Man I feel like a puppy now.

I went to the couch and sat down.

Mom sighed before she started her story.

"Tom is...was Dwayne's twin brother. One day Dwayne and I had a fight. It was about him not being there most of the times."

She cleared her throat before continuing.

"Even after the huge fight we had, Dwayne still left. I was angry and Tom comforted me. We drank some whiskey and wine. He kissed me and for the first time in months I felt... loved."

Mom shed a tear. This must've been painful for her. I started tearing up too.

"One thing led to another and he slept with each other. We did this for about three months. Dwayne didn't notice anything.
I later found out I was pregnant with you. Tom was so excited."

Mom smiled.

"He wanted to tell Dwayne everything. When he did tell Dwayne everything.... Dwayne placed Tom inside of a cold room. Dwayne kept him in there for weeks with no food or drinks."

I gasped.
"How could he do that to his own twin brother?" I asked causing mom to shrug her shoulders.

"Dwayne was and still a cruel man. He said he'll take care of the baby like he was his own. After some weeks Tom died. Dwayne took his body and buried it making a garden of flowers on top."

I held mom's shoulders to comfort her.

"I was scared to leave because I was afraid I would be next so I stayed. He acted like that didn't happen. I loved Tom. He is your real father." She said getting up.

"Mom I'm sorry."

She didn't respond. She just went to one of the guest bedroom and locked herself inside.

This is the worst day ever. First my best friend dies, then my boyfriend cheats and now... Gorilla killed my father. I need to confront him.

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