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Linda's POV

"I can't think of anyone Daniel."

"Come on LA, think."

"I don't have beef with anyone okay! Except Ava and I doubt she could be capable of killing someone." I whined at Daniel.

It's almost a week since we started the investigation but there's no way forward.

"Okay." Daniel replied frustrated.

"I'm going to work okay? I'll see you later."

"Do you think that's a great idea?"

"No it's not. But I have to go to work." I laughed.

"Okay I'll fetch you after work yeah?" Aww. He's so sweet.

"Okay." I laughed before I hung up.

Today was not my day at work. Gorilla is back from wherever he was.

He had this look of hate towards me. Whatever.

Mrs Johnson asked me to lock up after everyone. I'm so glad she trusts me.

Now I'm waiting for Gorilla to go and by the looks of it, he's not going anytime soon.

I went upstairs to his office. I knocked on his door and he said come in. I cleared my throat before saying anything.

"Mr Franklin, I have to lock up." I said in a monotone voice.

"Of course. I'll be done in a few minutes." He said with a sarcastic smile.

I was about to walk away when I heard him speak.

"So sorry about your best friend." He didn't!

"Thank you." I said walking out of his office. Brandon was still in his office. How did I miss that?

"Hey. Need a ride?" Brandon asked giving me a quick kiss on my lips. I giggled.

"Uhm. No thanks. Daniel is picking me up." I said and I could see the frown he's trying to hide.

"Don't be sad. I'll make it up to you." I grinned.

Before he could answer Daniel came in.

"Ready to go?" Daniel asked and I nodded. We were still upstairs.

"I'm still waiting for Mr Franklin to finish."

"Oh I'm done. You can lock up." Gorilla smiled.

I nearly rolled my eyes. I started to walk away but he had to speak!

"It's great that you have a driver now. Wouldn't want Casey's 'accident' to happen again right?" He smirked.

I had enough of this!

"Don't you dare say another word about Casey." I pointed at him accusingly.

"You are not needed here Linda. Leave!" He shouted.

"Linda let's go." Brandon said.

"Wait for me downstairs I'm coming." I said to Brandon and Daniel.

They both nodded and left.

"What do you want from me!? Huh!?" I yelled..

"I don't want you here! Everytime I see you, I get reminded on how my wife and my brother cheated!" He shouted.

"It's not my fault! You're the one you left mom lonely. You even killed your own twin brother!" I yelled.

I can't believe this.

"That Casey brat ruined everything!"

"You're the one who...."

"Tampered with the brakes and killed her? Yes. It was unfortunate really but seeing you all sad was kind of satisfying." What! He killed Casey. My best friend. My only friend.

"You killed Casey! You killed my Father! You're evil. You'll pay for this!" I yelled.

How could he be so evil?
I can't believe this.

"Make me." He said walking away laughing darkly.

That was all it took for me to snap.

Brandon's POV

"Any progress on the investigation?" I asked Daniel trying to make a conversation with him.


Linda and her dad were shouting . I don't know what it was about but it sounded serious.

"Maybe we should go check on them, they could...." Daniel was interrupted by something tumbling down the stairs. What the...

It was Mr Franklin's body at the bottom of the stairs bleeding. I saw Linda at the top of the stairs breathing heavily.

Daniel went to Mr Franklin to check up on him.

I stood there in complete shock. It can't be.

"LA? What did you just do?"

"I killed him."

Good girl gone bad. I don't blame her. I mean imagine someone killing your best friend? What would you do?

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