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Brandon's POV

What is wrong with Linda?
"Brandon!" My mom yelled and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Did you hear what I've just said?" I stared at her and she sighed.

"You have to attend this business trip in Italy because your dad and I are busy with the Chinese deal." Great. Just what I needed. I rolled my eyes.  I hated business trips. They are so boring unless.....

"Oh okay. I'll go. On one condition." I said and my mom raised her eyebrow.

"I'll need someone to accompany me." I stated and mom nodded.

"Sure. Knock yourself out. Just bring the deal home." She patted my shoulder and I smiled. Even though it is a business trip, I can still make the best of the 2 weeks in Italy. I couldn't wait to go to work and tell Linda all of this.

How can I convince her. She's still not taking my calls so I'll have to tell her in person. I got to the office and I saw her reading an article. Her glasses were on the table.

"Hey." I greeted her and she wore her glasses before she answered.

"Hi." Her voice was so distant.
"So I'm going on a business trip and I would like if you accompany me." She looked at me like I have grown a second head.

Say yes. Please.
"So where is the business trip?"
"Italy. In Paris." I saw her smile but then her smile disappeared.

"I said no." Well I knew this would happen.

"Well you don't have much of a choice." I said folding my arms on my chest.

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously.
"You are the intern this year so... You must go with me. If it wasn't me attending this trip you would be going with my parents."

I saw her eyes wander around her in shock. "Uhm. Okay." She agreed and I felt like I could just kiss her. Kiss her. I remembered how it went back at her apartment. If her mom didn't interrupt, I don't know what could've happened.

"We're leaving next week." I said and I saw her rolling her eyes and she hissed after rolling them. I chuckled and went to my office.

I did all my work even extra so that I don't have to work so much on the business trip. "Uh Brandon?" I raised my head to see Linda.

"I was wondering, should I bring the uniform or my own clothes?" She asked .

"You can buy whatever you need there." I said flipping the page of the file on my desk.
"Oh. But..."
"You can take the company's credit card." I said smiling at her. She looked so happy but she was denying that happiness to show on her face.

"Okay. Thank you." She said and left my office. I tried to keep my cool but my palms were sweaty. What is this girl doing to me?

Linda's POV

"Casey I'm telling you. I'm going to Paris!" I said excitedly.

"So it's going to be you and Brandon? Hmm. Call her Nancy."
"Who?" I asked confused and Casey laughed.

"Just remember to use protection." Casey said and I now got what she meant by Nancy.

"No. Casey no."
"No for the name or no to protection." She laughed and I smiled .

"That's not going to happen. Brandon and I... We're just friends okay." I said and Casey clicked her tongue.

"You heard that bro? She said they're just friends." She laughed and her brother Daniel joined in and laughed.

"You went with Daniel to Australia?"
"Yeah and I regret it." Casey said and all of us laughed.

"You know I never thought your crush for me will go away because of Brandon." Daniel said in his deep voice. I blushed. Whoo! Thank goodness he can't see me.

"Well that's because Brandon is hotter than you." I said and Casey laughed out loud and Daniel kept quiet.

"Oh really?" I turned around to see Brandon with a smirk on his face leaning on the wall. I disconnected the call immediately. Nice going Linda.

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