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Linda's POV

"Hello?" A unfamiliar voice greeted on Casey's phone.

"Hello! What happened? Is she okay? Where is she!?" I panicked.

"Well... We are still observing her." We?

"Who are you? And tell me where is my best friend!?" I yelled.

"I'm a paramedic Ma'am. She crashed at the T-junction next to the Dan Mall." Okay. That's a walking distance.

What am I going to tell Daniel? I have no choice. I dialed Daniel's numbers. With the second ring he answered.

I took a deep breath.

"Daniel, Casey had an accident!"
"What! Where!" He yelled.

"Next to Dan Mall. I'm going there now!" I panicked.

"Okay... I'll be there in five minutes." He said. Five minutes? How fast will he be driving?

I arrived at the scene where Casey crashed and my heart broke into millions of pieces.

The car was upside down burning into frightening flames. Casey was unconscious.  Blood covering her whole face.

"Casey?" I ran to her and knelt down next to her. She doesn't move.

"Is she going to be okay?" The paramedic gave me a sad smile and shrugged her shoulders. My eyes watered.

"LA? What happened?" I looked at him sadly.

"She crashed." A tear rolled down my cheek.

Brandon texted me asking me where was I.
I texted him back telling him about Casey's accident. I then switched off my phone.

Daniel knelt down next to me.

The paramedics then placed her on a stretcher and took her inside the ambulance.
Daniel and I were about to go inside but the lady paramedic stopped us.

"Only one person is allowed."

Daniel and I looked at each other.
"Go with her, I'll come with the car." Daniel said calmly and I nodded.

I paced back and forth biting my lip nervously.

"LA. Sit down."

"I can't! It's all my fault. I shouldn't have given her the car!" I screamed.

"She crashed with your car?" Daniel asked lowly. I nodded continuing with my pacing.

"What was she doing with your car!?"

"She wanted to take it for a spin. I was too busy so I gave her my car." I breathed in.

"We need to calm the police to investigate this. It doesn't make sense." Daniel stated.

"When I called her to ask her where she was, she said the brakes won't work!" I panicked and Daniel's eyes widened.

"You...Your car was at fault! And you still let her drive it!" He yelled at me. Why is he yelling at me?

"What are you saying?" I whispered.

"If anything happens to my sister, know that get blood is in your hands." He said. Pointing at me accusingly.


It's been five hours since Casey was taken into the ER. I kept thinking about what Daniel has said to me. It is my fault.

I looked at my hands. Casey's blood dried up on them. I do have her blood on my hands!

"Hey." Brandon tapped my shoulder. I looked at him.

"Here's coffee." I shook my head denying the coffee. Daniel came to me.

"LA. I'm sorry about what I've said earlier. I was scared and confused." Daniel said calmly. I gave him a sad smile.

"It's okay."

Brandon's phone disturbed Daniel from saying something.

"Excuse me." Brandon said. He looked at the caller id and his face showed signs of anger.

What's up with him?

Brandon's POV

"What is it!?" I asked angrily.

"Look, I heard about the accident. Is Linda okay?" Ava said.

"Why are you concerned?"

"Brandon come on. I watched it on the news." Ava said. Something doesn't feel right.

"She's fine! Her best friend is the one that crashed." I sighed.

"What!? But that was Linda's car! Wasn't it?" She screamed.

"Ava. Do you know something I don't?" I asked and Ava hung up on me.

What the....

Who could be involved in this? Thank you guys for reading my story. Xoxo.

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