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Linda's POV

"What's going on? Linda? What did you do?" Mom asked.

"She set my house on fire!" Dad yelled answering mom's question.

"What!?" Daniel and mom asked simultaneously.

"LA? Is it true?" Daniel asked and I nodded tearing up.

"I'm sorry. I was angry okay!" I yelled.

"Is everyone okay?"

Dad went silent.

"Is everyone okay?" I repeated mom's question.

"The twins are fine but Melissa is..." Dead. How I wish I could hear that word. I internally smirked.

"She's still in the hospital. She breathed in lots of smoke."

"Linda. Do you know you could go to jail for this?" Daniel said shifting side to side.

I didn't want it to go this far but... Oh well.

What am I saying!? I'm going to jail.
I nearly killed dad now I burn down his house! This is not me.
I let revenge take the best of me.

"I'm sorry. I will take responsibility for my actions. I'll face the consequences." I admitted.

"Sweetie you can't go to jail."

"Mom. I brought this up on myself. I'll make it easier for you. You always wanted me to suffer." I said with confidence.

"I... I'm sorry Linda. I... I didn't know I pushed you this far." Dad confessed making me and mom look at him in confusion.

"I think it's a little too late dad." I'm sticking to my decision. I'm gonna make me proud and own up to my actions.

....................... ............

After the confrontations and Confessions, I couldn't go to sleep. I kept tossing and turning the whole night.

It was exactly past midnight.
Do the right thing Linda.

So I did. I drove to the police station and confessed everything. Starting from dad's incident to setting his house on fire with his wife in it.

I turned myself in. Few hours later dad came fuming in my cell.

"What are you doing!?" He screamed.

"It was the right thing to do." I said turning away from him.

"For who!?"
"For Me! I don't want to end up like you!" I yelled causing him to widen his eyes at me.

"Melissa wants you dead and you gave her the upper hand!"

"What? How?" I trembled.

"You're in jail now dummy. She's well connected. She can end you in a matter of seconds." This is bad. This is really bad.

We stayed silent for a while until mom and Brandon rushed and stood next to dad outside my cell.

"Linda? Is it true?" Brandon asked and I nodded.

"Honey. Are you okay?" I nodded again not trusting my voice.

"I'll get you out of here one way or another." Dad whispered to me so no one could hear.


"No. It's a bad idea!" I whispered yelled at dad.

"Linda. We have to do this! Or else you'll rot in prison!" Dad said.

"What about my life?" I asked and dad scoffed.

"What life? You are all over the news, your career is somehow ruined. And Brandon is getting married soon so...."

"Brandon is getting married?"
What the hell?

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