Chapter 1

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" Mr. Max is here to see you, sir"
Zee raised his head from his paperwork after hearing the voice of his secretary through the speaker.He sighed and put the paper on this desk...

" Should I tell you to not let him in or pretend that I didn't hear you?"

He heard her chuckle.

" He is entering now sir, I'm sorry"

" No problem" said Zee at the same time the door of his office open.

" Are you avoiding me or something?" Asked Max as he saw his sitting in his desk.

Zee looked up to the man walking towards him....It's his best friend as well as business partner Max who was walking with annoyed face as I ignored him for 2 weeks...

" Yes something like that".

" Well that's not going to work today. It's your birthday today" said Max while taking a switch in the couch....

" I was hoping to spend my free time in home doing nothing " said Zee resuming back to read the files...

" Please, it's your 30th birthday Zee. What kind of best friend would I be if I let that happen?"said Max with a frowned face...

" Well I thought I was able to choose how to spend my time?" said Zee still focus on files..

" Of course. Any other day. You have 364 days to be home and do nothing. Not valid for today"... Said Max

Zee sighed and finally looked at Max.

" I'm really tired and isn't 30s the bad thing? asked Zee.

"Why would it be? asked Max with confusion

"I heard many women say that" replied Zee

" Age doesn't apply to us you know" replied Max with a smirk.

" It's because you can get anyone you want Max " said Zee..
"Are you jealous Zee?" asked Max joking...

Zee rolled his eyes and back to his files again

" Don't be ridiculous " said Zee...

" Common move we are going to bar to enjoy  and release some stress" said Max

" Ok bye see you n don't be late" said Max before leaving the office

At The Bar:

They arrived at the bar n went inside to see friends enjoy n came near him to congratulate him on his birthday... The music was really loud. He smiled relaxing his body with every beat of the music.They walked to their table and started drinking...
By the time he was already a little drunk and decided to go to bathroom. While on his way he accidentally pushed the boy due to crowd who was sitting on the chair which made him spill some of the wine in his dress....
They both met their eyes n was lost in each other....

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