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After Zee left I went back inside and sat on the couch with a blank....

" Did he just kiss me and say he will miss me?" I said as I held my face...

The thought of him kissing my cheeks made me blush and I smiled brightly but soon my dropped thinking about what happened between us ...I don't know how we are going to fix this but right now I'm just sad....

I tried not to think much and I went to the roof more like a garden with beautiful flowers....I made this rooftop garden because sometimes I had lots of things in my mind and I come here to take time to get peace....

Usually I could sit down and sing songs or I could draw...It's like a hobby.....Not even Nat knows that I have a beautiful garden in the roof because I haven't told anyone....

I don't know for how long I sat there caressing my baby bump and thinking about Zee until there was a cling in my phone....I took and saw it was Zee telling me he reached...Couldn't it be odd???? Just yesterday we had a big fight and now we are talking as if nothing happened...

Our days went like that...I would spent my time doing painting sitting in my beautiful garden and sometimes Nat could come and watch some movies and offcourse Zee he could text me telling me to take care and ask about if I had been eating properly etc...

It's almost been 2 weeks and Zee didn't came because he already told me the meeting has postponed and it will take one more week which desparate me more....I don't know what happened to me but I'm missing him so much that sometimes I cry and get emotional thinking he is not here with me....

Tomorrow I had a appointment with the doctor and I thought it could be best to go shopping for my baby too so I call Nat to accompany me to which he shouted and told me I could have done it earlier so he could enjoy and spoil my baby...

So I decided to sleep early but I was interrupted with a call and it was Zee...
Why did he call me so suddenly....He never call during his business meeting...I panicked thinking something happened and pick up the phone...

" Hia are you alright??? Did something happen??  Has your project got rejected???" I said as soon as I picked up

" Yes Nu I alright and nothing happened calm down"he replied to which I gave a big sigh

" But if nothing happened why did you call?? You never called me before " I asked

" Because I was missing you and my baby" he replied to which I chuckled

" Hia stop joking around and tell me what happened" I said as I know something happened because of his voice...and then there was a big sighed...

" Nu I'm really sorry but I can't come tomorrow the investor are making it really hard for the new project and I might have to stay here 1 more week" he replied to which I felt more sad but I didn't showed

" It's ok Hia work is important and do your best and come back" I said as I really wanted him to come back...

" But Nu how you are going to manage going tomorrow alone and it's really risky being alone" he said making me chuckle....he always being more worried after knowing it's his baby...

" Hia I'm really fine and Nat is there so don't worry and do your work properly" I replied

" But Nu I'm really missing you both" he said making me chuckle more

" Hia finish your work and come back soon...your baby missed you a lot" I said giggling

" So it's means you don't miss me?" He question me to which I was shocked and don't know how to answer...

" I.....missed you too Hia " I replied shuttering

" Okay and thank you for encouraging me and missing me and take care I will call you bye" he said as I too said bye and hunged up....I then drift to sleep thinking about Hia..


Finally the work is done after I had to extend my stay here and I really missed Nu and my baby....I really wanted to see them both all those days....And now I was in my room packing when I heard my door knocked and I know who is it....

" What is it Max??" I said packing

" Damn Zee atleast opened up the door?" He shouted as I walked and opened

" What do you want Max.... Don't tell me we have to stay more because I won't because I have to go and see Nu and my baby" I said going back and packing...

" Nu and your baby" he said confused and I realised what I said...

" Nothing" I said trying to ignore the question

" Mr. Zee Pruk Panich dares to tell me the truth now or I go and tell your parents " he said as I turned back and saw him smirking...

" Why do you have to blackmail me" I asked

" Because you are not telling me spill everything and don't hide anything " he said smirking

I sat down on the bed and start telling him how I met Nu and ended up being in bed and how it was unexpected possible for him to get pregnant and now he is carrying my baby.....after I was done I looked at Max and he was shocked....

" So you mean all this time you were telling me about his boy and now he carrying your baby and living with you" he said to which I nodded....

"But Zee why didn't you tell him to abort it's not like you love him or you are marrying him" he said making me realised....

" No Max I didn't tell him because I felt sad when he told me he wanted to but I asked him not to" I said

" But you don't love him and you are not going to marry him just because he is carrying you child" he said as I smiled at him

" No Max you are wrong....I love him not because he is pregnant with my child but because my heart choose to love him when I first saw him" I said as I realised that I do really love him

" So now what you are going to do ?" He asked me

" Go back home and see him" I replied to which he sighed

" I mean about marriage, living together and the child Zee" he said making me realise what I have to do now

" You're the best Max" I said as I hugged him...

" Now let's go and get him...and tell me when you want me to prepare everything" he said as he pushed me

We got our luggage and on the way we stop on a shop and I looked around a saw what I really wanted... it's was the perfect thing which will making my bond stronger with Nu....I packed the gift and left for the airport....

We waited for the departure and a thought came...I took out my phone and called Nu...
I told him I might have to stay again and I know how sad he was hearing from his voice but I have to surprised him....

After we land I decided to directly go and meet Nu because I can't wait any longer...I have already know his location and I went there....I was about to surprise him but I was shocked and tears fell down my cheeks...I turned around and left...

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