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I was thinking of going into the room where Nunew was because he hasn't left the room and I know he was having a hard time with the sudden situation and I guess he was crying all night when I saw his red eyes this morning but I want him to rethink about the decision he made....

I knocked on the door but I didn't get any reply...I was scared for a second thinking something happened or he might have hurt I quickly went inside praying he was safe and I did....he was sleeping peacefully sitting on the couch bringing his feet closer to his chest...

I walked and knelt down...I looked at him for a while then slowly caressed his cheeks... I don't know why but I want him to be happy...I got up and walked up to closet and took out a blanket and covered him so that he doesn't get cold....

I bend down a little a kissed his forehead and left the room..I thought of cooking some food for him before going to office as I may come late...I even left him a note...All day I was in office but my mind was busy with thousand thoughts to how can I help him...

So I thought of going back and check him if he was alright...I came back home in the evening...As I opened up the door I called him but I didn't hear any response so I thought he might be sleeping and he did...But......

" Why was he sleeping in the couch?" I thought when I walked in the living room and saw him sleeping peacefully....

"Maybe he is tired with all the crying and with all of the sudden things happening " I thought as I kneel down...I caressed his soft cheeks but he suddenly woke up....


I felt someone caressed my cheeks when I was sleeping so I got up and saw Zee ....he was looking at me and he was still wearing his suit...Maybe he came back just now...

" When did you came ?" I asked him...

" Just now when you were sleeping" he replied and I nodded...

" So umm can I go to my house ?" I asked nervously

" Nu you promise to stay here for a week" he replied whining....

" Why does he look so cute when he whinned ?" I thought

" I'm going to get some clothes" I replied and he sigh in relief

" You should have said that way" he said..

" Then can I go?" I asked

" Yes only If you take me with you" he replied

" Why don't you any work?" I asked

" I can be free for you" he replied which made me blush...

" Umm...ok..." I replied shuttering to while he laughed

" Cute" he said and pinch my cheeks..

" Don''s hurts" I said

" why don't we go now and then have dinner outside and it can calm you down and to make clear decision " he said to which my smile faded but I didn't show him...

All I could do was nod and we left the house...40 minutes later we reached and I offer him to come inside...

" Was my house clean...I don't think I throw any clothes in the house and did clean the dishes too" I thought...

I opened the door and told him to be comfortable while I pack some of my clothes...

"But why does he want me to stay with him for a week"  I thought while packing some clothes...

" Does he already know that it's his child" I gasped..

" What if he knows the truth and wants me to have the child and after the child is born he will take the child and throw me" I thought and soon shook my head...

" How can you think this far Nu...He is not a bad person " I said to myself and closed the packed bag and went downstairs...

He saw me walking and suddenly walked towards me causing my heart fluttered and I closed my eyes tightly...But I soon open my eyes and saw him taking my bag as he left small laugh...

" Aow why are you taking my bag?" I asked him

" You should not carry heavy thing during pregnancy" he said...

" And where did you learn that?" I asked smiling

He came closer to my ear and whispered...

" It's a top secret don't talk too loud Nu" he said making me giggle...

" Ok I won't but won't you tell me?" I whispered back to which he giggled...

" No I told you it's a secret" he said backing away...

" Are you serious?" I asked frowning...

" Yes and let's go" he said as he hold my hand suddenly to which lead to red cherry colour on my cheeks and a strong heartbeat....

"I guess I will have a heart attack someday by this man"....I thought as we walked outside...

He walked a little ahead when we were near the car...I thought he was going to keep the bag but instead he opened the door for me...

"After you... beautiful" he said making me blush harder this time and I'm sure he saw it..

" How can someone be this handsome and gentlemen at the time...I want to touch him, cuddle with him, and kiss him at this moment" i thought sitting in the car

" Gosh Nu stop thinking " I slightly slapped myself...

" Am I falling for him"??????

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