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It's getting hard for both of them to keep their feelings to themselves...They are getting more comfortable and closer with each other.. Sometimes he could kiss each other's cheeks as teasing but both won't say or complain or sometimes Nunew could lay his head on Zee's shoulder and sleep while watching a movie.... Zee finds it cute whenever Nunew sleeps on his shoulder and grabs his hand tightly as he doesn't want him to leave...


I woke up after the sunlight hit my face....I slowly got up and smiled at myself thinking how yesterday night we teased each other all night and Nunew went to sleep with the cutest pout...

I showered and went downstairs directly because I don't want to wake him up as he literally needs rest...I went to the kitchen and made breakfast... After I finished I thought of waking him up as he had an appointment...

I reached his door and knocked but he didn't reply so I slowly opened and saw him sleeping peacefully...I slowly sat on the edge and caressed his forehead....

" Good morning" I said when he slowly moved his body...

" Nu common wake up you have to go to the hospital" I said when he snuggled more inside the blanket...

" 10 more minutes please " he said

" You are not waking up right " I said as he nodded under the blanket to which I got up and climbed on the bed and started ticking him...he was laughing hard

" Hiaa...stop it..." He said making me stop...

" Who is Hia" I thought as he lifted his head...

" What happened Zee?" He asked me with confusion

" Nothing just get up or else we gonna be late" I said as I looked at his face then slowly at my eyes landed on his juicy plump pink lips...

" Oh gosh not now" I thought when I felt myself getting hard...

I was about to get up but suddenly my leg was stuck in the blanket making me fall on top of him...we were inches close with each other...we both looked at each other eyes as the room filled with just our breathing...I slowly leaned and he closed his eyes...I was about to kiss him when he stopped me and hit me with covering his mouth with one hand...

" I'm really sorry I should have ask you permission first" I said as I struggle to get up...

He hit me hard one more time and I got up and he got up too as fast as he can and ran away towards the bathroom...I was groaning in pain but I have to say sorry so I follow him...I knocked on the door...

" Nu I'm really sorry please don't get mad" I said but there was no reply just the sound of water...

" Nu please I will do as you say plz forgive me" I said but then I heard the sound of...puking....

" Is he puking" I thought and opened the door burts open only to see him puking hard...

" Nu are you ok? Should we go to the hospital" I said as I bent down and rub his back...

" No I'm fine it's just the morning sickness" he said as he calm down...

" Can you get up" I asked him as he nodded...

" How about to get fresh up and come down for breakfast because you have an appointment with the doctor" I said as he nodded and I walked away...


After Zee went away I took a shower and got my clothes and start getting ready....After I was done I went downstairs as saw him sipping coffee...I saw how he looked so hot and handsome in his tuxedo...Then I realised what happened in the room and I slightly blushed...

" Aren't you staring at me too much nowadays" he said breaking my thoughts

" I wasn't staring" I replied as I walk towards the table

" Yes you are" he replied with a smirk

" Are we really going to start teasing each other all day" I said to which he laughed

" Okay just finished you breakfast we have to go" he said as he handed him the plate to which I immediately dig in...

After we finished we went to the hospital..As we get more closer to the hospital I was feeling more nervous....Today I get to see my baby....our baby...

" Are you ok" he asked me when he saw me bitting my nails...

" Yes a slightly nervous" I replied

" Don't be it's ok" he said as he grab my hand and caressed with his thumb...

After some time we reached the hospital...I was about to go but then I thought it's will be the best to ask Zee...

" Can you come with me if you don't mind...
just for 10 minutes if you want" I said feeling nervous..

" Are you sure " he asked me as I nodded...

I want him to see his's not just mine but his too and he has the right to see his baby too...We went to inside and everything was done..I just have to lay on bed and see my baby now...

" Can he come too doctor if there isn't any problem" I said when I saw he was still waiting...

" Yes offcourse come in Mr. Panich" he said as Zee walk towards me...

" I'm feeling more nervous than you Nu" he said as I slowly grab his hand and he hold me tightly...

" It's is normal when you first see your baby" the doctor said...

Then the doctor put some gel in my bump and slowly dragged it...he then scan and slowly stop at one point....

" See here is your baby" the doctor said point at the monitor...

Both Zee and I looked at the monitor...I started crying when I thought of's the perfect piece of me and Zee...When Zee saw me crying he slowly wipes my tears...

" Do you want to hear the baby heartbeat" asked the doctor..

" Can we?" Zee asked more excited

" Yes you can Mr. Panich...just a sec" the doctor said as he work on some machine...

Then I slowly heard a thump's getting fast....I looked at Zee and he too looked at me...we both were crying when we heard our baby's heartbeat....

" It's our baby's heartbeat's our baby" I said as I cry hard ......

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