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I am still looking at the phone hoping that there will be text from Zee anytime soon but to fail in the end..And it's already midnight...

" Maybe he just asked my number so that he doesn't want me to feel guilty?"...

" Maybe he forgot or maybe he isn't interested in having a conversation with me ?"

" Maybe he is busy"...

A lot of thoughts kept my mind busy and I didn't realise when I reached my bed and crawled inside....I was still looking at my phone until I felt my eyes start to feel heavy and I didn't realise when I slept...

I woke up when the bright light hit my face...I tried to go back to sleep as today was my off day but soon enough when my eyes started to feel heavy.. my phone started vibrating and I know it's Nat but why was he texting me early in the morning.....'s urgent..I reached for my phone and's from...Zee...

I immediately got up from my bed and opened up my phone....

" Hey it's me Zee "
" Good morning and sorry I couldn't text you yesterday because I was in a meeting and came late at time."

I stared at my phone for a little and then replied ....

" Good morning and don't be sorry it's ok"  I replied....

Maybe I was thinking too much....Then there was another text...

" So how are you feeling now"... He asked

" I'm totally fine now"... I replied

" So what are your plans for today?" ....he asked

" Nothing I have to return some books at the library and some shopping "... I replied

" Aren't you coming to the cafe today?"...  He asked

" No it's my day off today?" ..I replied

" Ok then enjoy your day and take care"... He said

" Ok you too" I replied....

I finally woke up from bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up to start my day...


I came back late again...I have been coming to my house late at night from my meetings....I directly went up to get fresh up.....

As I lay on my bed I reached for my phone and saw Nunew contact....I was thinking whether to text him or not.... I thought for a while n decided not to text him now as he will probably be sleeping.....I kept my phone aside and went to sleep....

I woke up early as I will be attending a meeting...I got up from my bed....I was ready to leave my house when I thought of texting him ..

First I was thinking whether to call or text him but then I decided just to leave a text for him....I texted him a good morning and explained why I didn't text him yesterday....
I was about to keep my phone inside my pocket but my phone buzzed and I saw his text replying....

At first I hesitated whether to  text more or just leave but leaving the text halfway doesn't feel I asked whether he was ok and what he was going to do today.....
He told me he was going to return books and go shopping....

"I wished I can enjoy one day with him" I thought....

"Oh my god Zee Pruk what are you thinking".. I said hitting my head slightly....

" You should probably stop thinking about him and focus on yourself for today " I said to myself....

I went downstairs and took my keys n left my apartment....

" I hope I don't get distracted myself from thinking about him a lot" I thought before driving away.....

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