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" How can you lie to me Nu?" Zee almost yelled at me....

" What happened  Zee?" I asked seeing him mad for the first time...

" How can you do this Nu....I trusted you" he said as he rubs his head with this palm...

" Zee I literally had no idea what you are talking about?" I said taking a seat as I can't stand for too long with this big belly...

" Have you thought you will keep the secret and I will never find it" he said making me more nervous

" Can you at least tell me what you are talking about because I didn't get any of your words?" I said as I tried to hold his hand...

He moved his hand away which hurt me but suddenly he gave me the envelope he was holding in his hand..

I looked at him before grabbing the envelope and looked at him....His eyes were full of sad look with almost tears...I then opened the envelope and soon gasped looking at the content on the paper.....

" Did you really thought you will keep this to yourself and never let me find the truth?" He asked as I slowly looked down...

"" I said shuttering as tears fill my eyes

" Why are you saying sorry now?....I thought you trusted me with you and the baby" he said making me feel guilty for not telling him the truth

He kept asking me why I did that and why I didn't ever thought of telling him anything....I didn't know what to say or give answer right now but the last thing I heard made me feel angry at him...

" Maybe you have someone that's why you wanted to abort the child right" he said as I make a fist to control my anger ....

How can he think so low of me....Did I really made a big mistake that he is thinking I could abort the only piece of him which I could love to keep but my insecurity made me think of that way...

" Did you really just said that" I asked feeling more anger...

" Yes and I feel more guarantee it was the reason why you didn't even think twice" he said making me want to punch him right there...But instead I cried

" How can you say something so horrible like that Zee?....I never wanted to do abortion in the first place though I said I wanted" I said wiping the tears..

"How can I believe you when you literally took advantage of me and kept the truth hidden?" He asked

" I did hid the truth from you because there was a reason as well as i wanted my child to be happy " I replied sobbing

" So tell me what was the big reason that you were willing to keep the truth" he said....

I wanted him to know why I didn't told him about the truth but situation wasn't good and I thought of telling him after birth...


I waited for him to tell me the truth....I was so angry when I saw the reports....I really wanted to confront him but I was too mad and angry at him and tell him it was not was literally not okay when I can't even feel anything towards the child dearly....

" What.... aren't you going to tell the reason or it was even fake excuse?" I said as he looked slowly lift his head and looked straight into my eyes...

" Before I tell you the reason tell me what did you remember when we first met?" He asked changing the question and grabbing all the attention....

I was literally nervous because I didn't remember anything and why was he asking me such question right now in the serious situation we are facing....

" Don't change the topic Nunew' I said making him chuckle in disbelief....

" I'm not changing any topic and I know why you can't  tell me about the night we met" he said makng me more angry

"Stop talking about nonsense and come to the point and tell me what was your reason " I asked again...

" How can I tell you the truth that it's your child in my belly when you can't even remember the first time we met and end up in your bed and the next morning you tell me you didn't remember a single thing." He said making me suprised with his word....

" How can i remember when I was drunk?" I asked feeling nervous

" That's the point Zee...You can't remember anything about that night and what do you think I suppose to feel giving my child to someone who forgot everything about the night" he said making me taken aback and feeling guilty all over my face...

" How can I trust you with my child when you don't even remember anything??....How can I tell you it's your child when it's just one time we met and end up in bed with consequences is this baby" he said making me feel more guilty...

" But atleast I would tell you " I said try not to feel more bad

" If you were in my place would you have done it Zee" he said as tears rolled down his cheeks...

" Nunew I..." I was about to say something but he stopped me and got up leaving me alone in the living room...

I was filled with guilty and I didn't realise I was the one that had made angry and yelled at him without even listening to his reason...

" What have you done Zee" I said as i grabbed my hair in frustration with cursing myself....

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