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Zee Pov

I was in a meeting when suddenly my phone buzzed.... I looked up to see Max calling... I ignored it because I'm busy and I know he will be talking full of shit..... He called again but I didn't pick up... After 5 minutes a message pooped up......

"Hey I know you have seen I have been calling you so don't ignore my call n pick up the phone it's urgent".....

"He truly knows me better I guess"!! I thought....

But soon my phone buzzed and I know it's Max...I signalled Poppy to come

" Tell him I'm in a meeting n I will call him back"... I said giving him my phone...

"Yes sir" he said bowing before leaving n I continue my meeting.....


After I finished the meeting I called Poppy...

" What did he say?" I asked signing some papers...

" He said you have a meeting with him" he replied giving my phone...

" Meeting...." I asked confused....

" Yes, and said to call him back" he said ...

I called Max with confusion....I have a meeting that I don't know neither my secretary.... He answered his call...

" What kind of meeting?" I asked directly without wishing him...

" Hey atleast say hello first....what kind of friend you are?" He said frowned....

" You were the one to call me when I was attending the meeting " I replied

" I didn't know you have a meeting " he said

" Come to the point Max... I don't have time if you are going to speak some bullshit" I said

" Ohh... Do you remember when I told you about my cousin yesterday" he asked

" Yes what with him?" I asked

" He wants to meet you now" he said

" Ok then come to the office I will see " I said...

" He wants to you come outside....There is a cafe 2 blocks away...come fast n I'm here already"...he said

" Ok I will be there" I said before I hunged up the call....

" Poppy get the car ready " I said closing the files....

" Ok sir" he replied before leaving the office

I stood up from my seat..took the suit n came down....After sometime we reach at the cafe...I walked to the cafe n reached the door knob..a bell indicating there is a costumer....
I walked towards but soon froze to see the same similar figure that I have been waiting for a long time....He too froze in his spot...our eyes meet n I guess we have been staring at each other for a long time until someone cleared his throat....

" Finally you are here we have been waiting for a long time" said Max as he walk towards the counter....

" Can I take an order now?" Said Max

" Yes sir, it will at your table right away" nunew said...

" Ok tnk you and you why are still standing there" Max said as I left my gaze from him...

I walked towards the table but my mind couldn't process.... I have been waiting for a long time to see him and he is working in a cafe just 2 blocks away from my office.....
Soon there was his cousin n we introduce each other and stared discussing about the new project.... Soon nunew was here at our table with coffe....As he placed the coffee my eyes didn't left him for a second....

We stayed there for an hour....After the meeting was over we said goodbye and Max cousin left the cafe I wanted to talk to him n stayed a bit longer....So I stood up told Max to go early....I walked to the counter....

" Hey" I said with a little wave...

" Hi...." He replied with a soft smile...My goodness I will die from his can he so beautiful with just a smile....

" How are you? " I asked

" I'm fine n how r you? " He said...

" I'm fine too" I replied but soon there was a silence as we both don't know how to start the conversation....

" So I was thinking....." I said but words didn't came out right away....

" You were thinking???" Nunew said with confusion...

" That I would get......." I said but why it's so hard to asked him his number...

" Can I get some cake?" I asked...

N I messed up....This is not what I wanted... I don't even like sweet....

"Ok what flavour do you need?" He asked

" One chocolate n one vanilla" I replied cursing myself......

" Ok sir" he replied as he start packing the cake ..I smiled as he was picking up the cake...I was lost in his beautiful face....

" Excuse me sir" he said as I back back to senses....

"Oh sorry I was lost" I replied feeling embarrassed

" It's ok sir and here is your......."he said as he paused before covering his mouth with his hand as he ran towards bathroom leaving me dumbfold....I stood there a sec but soon followed him...I saw him as he throw up...I kneel down n gently rub his back....I gave him the water as he calm down....

" Are you ok?" I asked as he nod....then I looked at him as he looked really pale....

" Is he sick????"

"Is that the reason why he left suddenly that morning?.......

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