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As they started preparing for weeding as its just in a week because Zee thought it will make it easier to work for a whole damn week and take a peaceful holiday with Nu....They started working on themes , the wedding dress and everything they needed....While Zee wanted to have a big wedding whereas Nu wanted a small wedding as he know a lot of people in the wedding will make kuea cry throughout the wedding which he doesn't want to as it was a special day for him....But things are really hard for him to manage as well as kuea because he suddenly started crying and doesn't seem to stop anytime soon...

" Kuea baby what happened why are you crying?" Nunew ask as he walk towards his son

" Come let me carry you" he picked up kuea and carried him and put him on the lap...

" Why are you crying baby"? Nu said as he touch kuea face and realised he has fever

" Aow you have fever kuea" he said and got up to bring kuea back to room....

He gave him some food and medicine so that he can get better...so kuea slept a little bit as Nu carry him around the house but soon woke up and started crying....Nu tried to make him calm down but kuea fever wasn't going down....He even panicked when he saw kuea throwing the food he just ate...He didn't know what to do so he just when to hospital and didn't even have the time to called Zee....


It's was finally time to go back home...I missed My baby and Kuea...But strange as Nu didn't called me even once but I guess he is busy with all the wedding preparations which I left for him to do....I do sometimes when we get home but he told me to focus on the company only....I drove home in less then 30 minutes...I walked up the door and saw all the lights were off...it's strange...are they still sleeping...I opened up and saw no one....I thought they went out for a walk so I waited but it's been almost 2 hours and nothing so I decided to call Nu....At first he didn't pick up the call but on the second a lady pick up

" Hello" a lady pick up

"Hello how is this and where is the phone owner" I asked feeling nervous

" Ohh Mr. Chawrin is sleeping and he is in the hospital" the lady said making me stood in panicked

" What happened to Nu....no, no, no....wait I'm coming" I said and cut the call without waiting for any reply...

I drove my car as fast as possible...I don't know but if something happened to him I won't forgive myself....I reached and walked fast to the receptionist...

" May I know the patient name Chawarin" I asked as she checked on the computer

" Yes it's the first room near the stairs" she replied and I ran

I reached the room and opened the door loud enough just to see my baby sleeping with holding kuea by his hand...I walked up to and caressed his hair....and a nurse came by..

" Excuse me who are you?" Nurse asked

" I'm his husband and what happened" I said

" The baby got a high fever and Mr chawrin refused to go anywhere so I guess he just slept here as he was panicking a lot when he came here" the nurse replied, checked and went away

I walked up to them and saw how tired Nu look...He must be tired from all the work...I slowly tried to pick him up put he opened his eyes and looked at me...

" Hiaa" he called me with almost a broken voice

" Shhhh it's ok kuea is fine and you can sleep...I will take care... everything is fine" I said as I rubbed his back and he eventually slept...I put him on my lap so that he can sleep more.....I then put him on the bed and went outside to bring some food as I know he must have not eaten anything...I came back and saw he was all awake and looking for me..

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