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Nunew Pov

It's been almost a month I have last seen him...The last time I have seen him was his apartment where we spent the night together....I trying to let my mind get busy while I work in a cafe or sometimes reading books in library but I can't seen to focus....
Now I'm with my jelly my best friend in a cafe...I was lost in thoughts when suddenly he shake my shoulder...

" Are you okay?" Nat asked

" Umm yes...why?" I asked Nat

" You were spacing out" said Nat.

"I'm sry just some random thoughts" I said

" You know you can talk to me about anything right" said Nat while placing his hand in top of my hand...

" I know but everything is fine" I assure him..
I don't want to discuss this topic now because I don't even know his name..
It was just a one night stand n I just have met him once...

"I hope one day we met again" he thought

Zee Pov

I guess I'm spacing out...
I can't seem to focus in my work...
Why I thinking about him when he literally said it was just a one night stand...

"Urgh I'm loosing my mind" he said..

"Why?" Asked Max while coming towards me

" I don't know" I replied holding my head

" Seriously stop joking" said Max making himself comfortable in couch

" Do you really think I'm joking" I gared at him as he gulp his saliva...

" Zee come to the point"

"Tell me what happened?" He asked making me looked up to him

" It just.. I met someone in the bar last time n had one night stand" I said his eyes widen...

" Then what's the problem" asked Max confused

" I was drunk n you know when I'm drunk I can't seem to remember" I said in frustration

" Tell me the point" said Max

" Next morning he woke up n said me it's was just a one night stand n left" I replied

" And the most frustration thing is I'm can't seem to focus...My mind keep going back to that moment when I said I can't remember anything n he looked me with sad eyes as if he was telling me he is hurt by my word" I told Max as he was listening with full focus...

"Zee can I ask you something?" Said Max I hum in reply....

" Do you by chance have feelings for him" asked Max as I was confused with my own mind...

"I don't know Max... It's been month I have last seen him...And I can't say that I have feelings for him when I just met him once" I told Max .....

" I wish I can meet him just once to see what I'm feeling Max" I said as he stood from his place n coming toward me...

" You will surely meet him Zee" said Max as he tap my told to comfort me....

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