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Zee Pov

I was staring at the most beautiful person I have ever seen... His big doe eyes, plump red cheeks, his glossy pink lips which I was starting n wanted to kiss passionately....
We were so busy staring at each other that we forget we were blocking the way...
We broke our gaze after someone cleared their throat.... I know he was blushing as his cheeks turned pinkish...
After that I just realised I had spill the wine in his dress I immediately took the tissue from the counter....

" I'm sorry " I said n handed the tissue...

He looked at me and blinked several times before taking the tissue... 

" It's okay " I finally heard his soft's like hearing an angel voice....
I looked at him and lean towards him to make him listen

" You don't have to its normal to happen in a crowded place" He said loud enough for me to hear but it's still his voice was soft.

" But still I insist" he gave me a soft smile n nooded...
I walked back to the bar and asked a wine n took back to him which he gladly accepted...

Nunew Pov

I was so lost in his eyes as I was mesmerized to watch with dark eye colour with long eyes lashes n didn't even bother to break it until someone came from behind n destroyed our sweet moments...
He cleared his throat took the tissue from the counter and gave it to me ... I was confused at first but then I realised the wine I was holding spilled in my dress...
Finally after wiping my dress he broke the silenced

"I'm sorry" he said...

" It's okay" I replied still looking at him..

Then he said he could buy me drinks at first I refused but he insisted n I smile and noded..
He went back to the bar to order my drinks as I was watching him from far...
He is hot and really handsome as I saw him rolled his sleeves I was more lost in his body that I didn't saw when he came back until he tapped my shoulder...

" Hey I was calling you but you were lost"

" Are you okay" he asked while placing the wine he brought for me...

" I'm fine" I replied giving me a smile...

" Than enjoy your drink n enjoy the night" he said n left from the where I was sitting...
I didn't left my eyes until he was lost in the crowd....I was busy chatting n drinking the wine when someone approach me...

" Hey beauty may I join you" asked the stranger...

" Umm..I don't mind but I'm with my friends so if you can find someone else" I replied annoyed because of the look he was giving me...

" But we can have a dance" said the strange with lust on his face....But I refused because I don't want to move from my seat n get lost in the crowd as I was a bit drunk...

Then he forcefully grab my wrist n made me turn n he look me while I try to release my wrist as he was grabbing it tightly n it was hurting....

" Leave me" I said but he tightened his grip...

" Hey I know you want me too" Said the strange with a smirk on his face..

" No I don't n fucking leave me" I said while I try to struggle to release my wrist from his hand...

Suddenly he start pulling me through the crowd until we stop midway...
Their I saw the man again who spill the wine in my dress n offered me another what is he doing.... I was confused yet thankful when he loose the grip from the stranger n he took me outside....He took me to his car and made me sit in the passenger sit... I was lost in thoughts until I realised he was back in his car....

" Hey are you ok?" he said looking straight into my eyes... I replied with a nod n thank him... I was a second away from opening the door of the car when he suddenly grab my hand n made me turn towards him..He was staring at my face n then move his gaze to my lips...

" Do you need anything" I asked as I thought he wanted something as he saved me from those strangers...

" I want you to be mine" he said looking straight....

I was shocked at what did he just said now...
He probably drunk....But then he moved suddenly n kissed on my lips making my eye widen....I wanted to resist but I couldn't....
I don't know what happening...Then suddenly my eyes got blurry n next thing was I was breathing heavily....

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