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When I told him about his baby boy he kept clingy to me more.....Just as we both lay down he kept playing and doing random stuff like he kept his hand on my belly and he kept talking...I don't know but suddenly he started accusing me to his baby more like complaining about how I don't take care of myself and I don't take a proper rest and don't eat properly etc to our baby boy....I don't mind him complaining about me to our baby as I find him cute....He looks so cute when he talking with the baby...But its been very late and kept talking which makes me more irritate....

"Hia how about you stop playing now" I said as he stopped his hand and looked at me

"Why??? You don't want me to play with my baby" he asked almost pouting

"I'm just telling you and its very late and we have to sleep now" I replied smiling

"But I want to play and teach him how to be a perfect gentleman when he grow up" he said as I gave him a big sigh....

"Hia he is not born yet" I replied as he chuckle

"But he still has to learn a lot of things" he said

"Hia let him born first" I said getting annoying more like sleepy

"Ok and sorry....lets get some sleep" he replied as he giggle.....

He then switch off the lights and kept the small one open incase I woke up in midnight....I don't remember properly when I slept but I just know Hia pulled me in his arm and I used his arm as my pillow....I woke up as I felt someone tapped on my shoulder....I slowly open my eyes not too wide...

"Nu wake up" Hia said

"Five more minutes Hia" I replied as I pulled the sheets above my head

"Common you have to eat breakfast " he said as I felt the bed go down

"But Hia I'm feeling sleepy....we even slept very late at night" I replied as I pulled the sheets a little

"Ok but eat something for the our baby and then go back to sleep" he replied sitting down at bed

"You promise to let me sleep after I eat" I said as I start to sit up on the bed

"Yes Nu....I won't wake you up until you want to get up" he replied fixing my hair...

I got up from the bed as Hia help me and took shower and went down to have breakfast...I walked up to see Hia waiting for me at the table....I walk up to the table as Hia helped me to sit...

Soon our breakfast came and we started eating while having random conversation about how he wanted to teach our child about being a gentleman and business which I obviously don't agree with him.....We talked about some funny thing and we ended up going back to room as I was tired and sleepy....I lay down on the bed and saw Zee was not coming and getting ready...

"Aow Hia aren't you coming to bed" I asked as I looked up to him

"Nu I'm sorry but I have to go somewhere" he replied walking towards me

"Where are you going Hia?" I asked as he sat at the edge of bed and stroke my hair

"I have an urgent meeting to attend" he replied

"Why didn't you said before.....lets get ready then" I said as I try to get up from the bed

"We don't have to go anywhere Nu" he replied

"Then how you are going to attend the meeting " I ask him

"I having the meeting through video call" he replied

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