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It's been a week where they haven't seen each other but they have been texting each other asking about what they have been doing....They could ask random questions to have the conversation go long....They both wanted to see each other but as they both were busy... And as always impatiently Zee wanted to ask Nunew to have a date and Zee is unable to keep himself from asking and start typing on his phone.....


" Nunew I wanted to ask you something ?" I sent him a text

"Go ahead Zee"...he replied

I was thinking whether to ask him to take him on a date or not because we might have known each other in a different way but we have been close to each other this week....
So I just dropped the idea by saying....

"Oh it's nothing serious it's ok" ...I texted him

" Tell me what happened Zee don't make me curious" he replied

He really is a curious cat....I sometimes call him a cat because he is really cute and sometimes makes cat noise...

" I was thinking if you would like to go on a date with me?"...  I replied after thinking hard and I hope he doesn't reject me...

I was feeling nervous as he read my text but he is not replying....So I kept my phone on the table and started walking back and forth...It's been a few minutes and then a message popped on his phone..At first I was hesitant to open up the text but soon after I opened my text my heart dropped.....

" Ok Zee it will be a pleasure to have a date with you... Looking forward to it".... He replied....

I stare at my phone for a minute....Did he really just say yes to go on a date with me....I pinched myself and it hurt but it's true he really said yes....I started jumping and giggling at the thought of how good it will be until Max disturbed my sweet moment by knocking on my door...

" Hey are you alright?... Why are you jumping and giggling like a 5 year old kid?.... He asked about making himself comfortable on the sofa....

" Nothing" I replied short and made my face cold looking but deep inside I was full of joy

" Seriously Zee don't make a fool of yourself" he said

" Ok so I asked someone on a date" I replied keeping a straight face

" You have been seeing someone?" he asked with shock on his face..

" Yes why can't I go on a date" I said

" Finally my tell me more" he said coming towards me...

" Not now I don't want to tell you now but later on I will surely and I will give you a treat to keep yourself shut for asking me questions" I replied

" Aow...ok fine but you can't take too long" he said

We bid goodbye and I text Nunew telling him we will be going to date tomorrow as I don't want to keep waiting and I wanted to see his face....


I was still in shock when Zee asked me to go on a date...I have been wanting to talk and see him but it all feels like a dream come true when he asked me and he texted me saying we are going tomorrow....

Oh Shit.....
I don't know what I'm going to wear and I started panicking but soon Nat came...

" Are you ok?.. why are you in a panic?.. he asked worriedly

" It's Zee....He asked me on a date and I said yes".... I replied with panic

" Wohh but what's the problem? " He asked

" Nat I don't have anything to wear...plz help me" I said begging him...

" Ok first calm down and lets go to shopping" he said...

We closed the cafe after sometime and went to shopping....we searched everything but didn't found and we are tired until we both stopped at a store...And we knew we found my dress....we were happy and we stayed there for some more time before going back home...

I am really excited for tomorrow but I'm nervous too...

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