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"What do you think about wedding?" Hia asked me making me freeze

"Why are you suddenly asking me about wedding?" I asked not looking at him

"Nu I know we have talk about this but I just want to know what do you actually think about wedding" he said as he held my hand

"Hia why are you suddenly talking about wedding?" I said feeling nervous

"Nu look at me and tell me what do you think" he said as I look at him in his eyes..

I don't know what I'm going to reply....its not that I don't want to marry but I'm just scared because everytime I think about wedding I don't feel like I'm perfect though he have said many time that I'm just perfect and I'm his everything but still....

"Hia what do you really want to know?" I asked feeling nervous

"Don't you think we should get married?" he asked me

"Hia I want to but....." I said playing with my fingers

" But what Nu?" he asked me

" Hia please don't get mad when I tell you" I said feeling nervous...

" Nu have I ever gotten mad at you for anything hmm " he asked me as he held my chin

" So now tell me what do you really think about our wedding " he asked as I take a big sigh before replying

" Hia.....it's just that I'm nervous and scared
  and it's not that I don't want to get married but it's just sometimes I feel I don't deserve you because you are too perfect and I'm not even perfect for you ...you do all the work late at night and sometimes you don't even get enough sleep just to provide for us and I don't even do anything....just staying at home" I replied looking down at my feet...

" And who told you that you are not perfect hmm?" Hia asked me

" It's just you deserve someone better than me" I replied as tears start to fill my eyes

" Nu... You are perfect and I'm more glad to find you...and if ever you think you are not perfect just think that I will never ever love you less....even if you think you are not perfect I will love and cherish you because you make me happy.... your love and smile gives me strength to work.." he replied as he  rubber my hand with his thumb

" It's just sometimes I feel like you deserve more and you could have been happy and enjoying your life only if I was not pregnant and you haven't found me" I said as tears rolled down my eyes.....

" Hey .. don't you ever say that again" he said as he wipes my tears and pulled me into hugs...I hugged him tightly as he rubbed my back..

" You have never know how much happy I was when I found you again in the cafe and when I found you were carrying my baby....you have no idea how much you have sacrificed for me...I just wish you could see through my eyes how much happy I am when I am with you" he said as  he too tear up...

" Hia I'm sorry...it's just I thought you will be bored of me as I stay at home and just look after kuea" I said sobbing

" Nu...I will never get bored of you.. trust me but I can get bored of the devil" he said as i looked at him

" Hia ....he's not a devil...he is your son" I said as I slapped his shoulder....he giggled and looked at me seriously and said

" Nu...I want to marry you as soon as possible...I can't wait to put my last name in yours" he said as I smiled

" Khub Hia" I replied as his eye widen

" Did you really want to Nu?" He asked as I nodded

" Yes Hia...I want to marry you" I said as he pulled me in a tight hug...

"Nu... Can I kiss you?" He asked as I nodded


I looked into his eyes and all I can see is the beauty that I have never seen....His eyes sparkle with  love and sincerity...I pulled him by his waist and put the hand his nape....He closed his eyes and I move my face closer...I touch the soft and plump lips of his....I kissed his lips as he too moved his lips with me....I bite his lips as he moan and gave me access to put my tounge....I pulled always but slowly I move to his neck .....I kissed him hard as he moaned....and as I was about open up his shirt....the devil entered...

" Why always me?" I said as Nu laugh...

" Hia I will be back" he said as try to get up from bed but I stop him

" Why it always have to be me...why can't I enjoy my personal and private time with you in peace" I said as I pout which makes him smile more

" It's because Kuea is hungry " he said as he shake his head...

" I will be back" he said as I stopped him once again

" Hia.....kuea is crying let me go...I promise to be back soon" he said as I stood up

" You go bring the milk...I will bring him here" I said as he nodded

We went outside the room while he went downstairs to bring kuea's milk...I walked to kuea room and looked at him all tears from crying hard...I walked and picked him up from the crib and brought him into hug....he snuggle into me and soon he stopped crying...

" Why are you crying baby?... What happened" I asked as he sobbed..

I walked back to our room as kuea snuggle into me...

" Nu we are going back to our room...just come to our room" I said as he shouted okay..

I went to bed and played with kuea...as he giggle while I tickle him ..

" Kuea you know your Daddy loves you a lot right and I love your Mama too...but please give you Daddy a bit of time with your Mama...I too want to spend my time" I said as he looked at me with boba eyes just like Nu...

" Okay² you don't need to looked at me with those eyes" I said as Nu came back just in time..

" What happened to both of you?" He asked as he looked at us

" Nothing...we just had man to man talk" I said as Nu laughed

" Seriously Hia .." he asked as he took kuea into his lap and feed him his milk..

" I was just asking his permission to let me have a few moments with you...and now you already have said yes for the wedding...we have to get married and the wedding nights and our honeymoon" I said as he looked at me with eye widen

" Hiaaa you can't talk just like that" he said

" But we have to attend our wedding night and give him another sibling what do you think" I said as he glare at me..

" I think you have gone mad....let's go kuea you have to sleep and your daddy has gone mad" he said as he picked kuea and started walking

" But we have to...you know the wedding night right" I shouted as he looked back at me

" Hiaaaa" he said as his cheeks looked red and looked shy

" Ok² then come back fast because we have to sleep" I said as he nodded

I have been thinking about our wedding and all the things I wanted to do when Nu came back...

" Aowww why aren't you sleep yet" he said as he lay down

" I was waiting for you " I said as I pulled him into hug

" Ok now sleep" He said as I  looked at me

" Nu...." I called me and he hum in reply

" I Love You" I  said as he looked into my eyes and smiled

" I Love You Too Hia" he replied

"Ok now let's sleep...we have to wake up early and discuss about our wedding" I said as he nodded and we dozed off to sleep

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