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When I saw him walk out of the washroom I smiled seeing him and he smiled back but as he was reaching near the table he suddenly fainted and hit his head...I ran and got down on my knees to lift him...

But soon I panicked when I saw his head was bleeding... I called his name but he didn't wake up and I just lifted his body and ran towards my car...

" Does he not eat anything Why is he so light weight?" I thought about driving him to the nearest hospital...

Soon we reached the hospital and I called out the nurses and they took him to the room...
I went to the nearest bench and sat there....I was really nervous and freaking out...

It's been more than an hour and the doctor didn't come.... I was now at the edge to break the door but I calmed myself and soon the door opened and a few nurses left and the doctor came....

" What happened to him doctor?" I asked when I saw him walking towards me

" Are you his guardian?" Doctor asked

" No, I'm his friend" I said as he looked at me for a while

"He will soon wake up but I want to know about something " the doctor said

" What is it doctor?" I asked

" So is he having some kind of problem like stress about something or like any other thing?" The doctor asked...

I thought for a while then something crossed my mind when I first saw him after 2 months....

" Few days back I saw him throwing up and he looked really pale" I told the doctor

" Is something wrong?" I asked

" When he wake up just pls call me and plz be patience and don't stress him" he said tapping my shoulder and left me with confusion....

I thought for a while what the doctor mean but nothing came and I went inside the room and saw him sleeping peacefully...

" How can he be this cute as well as beautiful at the same time?" I thought while I grab his soft hand and caressed with my thumb...

" Please don't make me nervous and wake up" I said as I put my head near his hand and doze off...

I felt his finger move and I woke up and looked his face and I guess he was looking the place and soon his eyes land to mine...

" Where we are Zee?" He asked as he tried to get up

" We are in the hospital fainted suddenly" I told him as I helped him to sit up

" Arghh my head" he said as he grab his head

" Does you head hurts a lot?" I asked worriedly

"No but it's hurts a little " he replied

" Nu just waits for a while I'm gonna call the doctor" I said and stood up and caressed his cheek and left...


He caressed my cheeks and left and I blushed a little hard....After a few minutes Zee came back with doctor behind him..

" Mr. Chawarin how are you feeling?" Asked the doctor

" I'm fine doctor" I said with a smile

" That's good then" the doctor said

" Then when can I go?" I asked as I don't like staying in hospital

" Before I decide that can I ask you some questions and it's regarding your health" the doctor said and soon I looked at Zee and he nodded

" Ok sure you can " I replied and Zee came and sat near me...

" So can you tell me how are you feeling lately?" The doctor asked

"Slightly discomfort as I keep throwing up and felt dizzy, nauseous" I replied recalling the days when I throw up every morning

" So did you go to hospital yet?" He asked

" Not yet but I was thinking of going and I think I ate something that doesn't suit me" I replied

" So Mr. Chawarin what I'm going to tell you is a bit complicated and I really hope you try to understand first and then come to conclusion" he said

" What is it doctor?" I asked nervously as and soon Zee grab my hand and I'm glad he did because the next thing I heard took my soul..

" You are pregnant Mr. Chawarin" the doctor said making me and Zee froze at the same time....

" How can he be pregnant?" Zee asked as I was still in shock..

" It is rare and I too was shocked but all his test results tells he is pregnant" the doctor replied....

" Can...I get ..a little space?" I asked shuttering

" Nu are you okay?" Zee asked

" Plz...just can you give me a little alone time" I said ...

" Ok take you time and tell me when you need me" Zee said and they both left while I was shocked as hell but why me????

Outside the room Zee walked along with the doctor...

" Mr. Panich can you follow me to the office" doctor asked Zee and he nodded...They reached the office and sat...

" Look Mr. Panich I know it's really shocking  but all I can suggest now is talk with him and decide whether to keep the child or not because I can see he is not ready and he is really stressed which can be harmful for both of them" the doctor said to Zee...

"I don't know what to say it's his decision not mine" Zee replied which to doctor seem confused

" Ok but you have 2 weeks to decide otherwise getting abortion will be really difficult and I can be dangerous " the doctor said....

" I will try to talk to him"  Zee replied and left the office....

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