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" Seriously Nu" I said as I looked at him in disbelief....

He remained kept with his head hung and his hand supporting his back while the other was on his belly....

" He is looking more beautiful with his big baby bump" I thought....

" Aren't you going to answer me Nu what with this luggage" I said softly trying not to scare him...

" I'm going back to my house Zee" he replied making me freeze at my stop...

" Do you think you are going back after all the truth you kept" I said trying not to saw my anger...

" I can't stay here Zee and I'm really sorry if I kept the truth from you.... Believe me when I tell you I wanted to but I was scared" he replied as tears filled his eyes...

" What are you afraid of Nu" I asked taking a slow step towards him...

" I'm sorry Zee but I can't stay and take advantage of you like you said" he replied making me feel guilty toward him...

" Nu I'm really sorry if I said those bad things about you yesterday because I was really mad thinking I would have never known it's my child and I won't be able to love him" I said trying to make him understand what I felt yesterday...

" I know Zee and I am really sorry for not telling you but I can't stay here " he said

" Please Nu don't say that....You know I can't live without you and my baby" I said as tears filled my eyes too..

" Forgive me Zee but I can't I'm too much hurt right now and I don't blame you but I need some alone time....I promise to come back after I feel ok" he said as I shook my head in denial...

" Please Nu don't go" I said as he started crying

" Please Zee don't try to stop me...I beg you" he said as I left his hand...

I slowly walk backwards...He tried to grab my hand but I moved my hand away...I don't know what I have to do or say right now......
How can he beg me to let him go and my child when I literally know the truth and the reason behind....

He looked at his phone then told the maid to take his luggage outside.....He looked at me and slowly approached me....

" Zee I'm sorry but I can't do anything and I promise to come back to give you the child if you want but please don't be mad and let me go" he said making my eyes widen ..

" What do you mean by coming back to give my child... don't you want the baby?" I questioned him

" I want that too but I am not sure right now" he said....

" Take care Zee and I promise you keep your baby healthy don't worry " he said walking towards the door...

I really wanted to stop him from going but I am not able to...I can't keep him to myself...I know I have hurt him and it's his choice but right now I'm just feeling a sharp pain in my chest....

And then he walked away...I knelt down as I broke into tears....This is the first time I'm crying for someone.....I removed my hand from my face and saw someone standing....I slowly looked up to see Nunew standing....He held his hand forward asking for my hand....I held his hand and I stood up....He gently wipes my tears from his small and soft hand...

" You shouldn't cry Hia" he said as I sobbed..

" Why did you come back when you are leaving me all alone?" I asked as I sobbed more

" I have to say something before I go" he replied holding both my hands...

" Don't say anything like you won't come back" I said as he chuckled softly

" Can I say now ?" He asked as I nod

" Can I call you Hia first" he said to which I made a confused face...

" I wanted to call someone who is just special to me only" he said making my heart flutter...

I nodded as permission and waited for him to say ....I prayed in my heart to not tell me anything about him not coming back....He then looked at me and took a deep breath.....

" Hia I Love You" he said as my eyes got wide and I froze....

I wanted to say something.... but didn't come to any words...

" I don't want any reply Hia...I just wanted to tell you that I Love You before I go and I promise you I will come back" he said as he slowly walked away....


I really wanted to stay with Hia when he told me not to leave him but I want to give some time to myself and I promise him I will come back but I don't know when.....

I walked away as Nat was already waiting for me....I wiped my tears as I got inside the car ...He looked at me for a while and then held my hand....

" Jelly are you ok?" He asked as I nodded

" You know right I knew something" he said as I looked at him

" What do you mean Nat?" I asked

" Can I asked you something before we go" he said as I nodded

" Do you perhaps like Zee?" He asked making my eye widened

" See Jelly I know you do....I don't know what happened between you too and I even know if you are going home with me then you are not coming back anytime soon" he said as tears filled my eyes...

" Nunew look at me" he said as I slowly lift my face

" If you really like him tell him before it's too late" he said making me realise I haven't told him and maybe he is right maybe it's my last chance...

" Thank you so much Jelly" I said as I hugged him

" Now go and tell him....and after that we will think of something " he said as I broke the hug...

I went back just to see him on the ground crying....He might have know my presence and looked up....I grabbed his hand and he stood up ...I asked him if I can call him Hia and told him it's something special to which he smiled....

I was too nervous that I didn't know how to tell him but I had to .....I took a deep breath and said...

" I Love You Hia" I said as I looked at his face for some reaction but he froze....

" You don't have to give an answer....I have to go bye" I said as I slowly walked away....

I didn't have the courage to look back....I went to Nat and told him I said he which he replied he was proud of me....We then start going home as I thought...

" Will you accept my love Hia" I thought as I smile looking outside to the beautiful view...

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