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" I don't want this baby" Nunew said making me freeze....

" But why ?" I asked as I looked at him with confusion....

" I don't know " Nunew said looking down

" What do you mean you don't know?" I asked as I wanted to know why he didn't want  the baby...

" It's just I can't take care of the child and I don't know what I really want to do" he said as his eyes start to fill with tears

" Look at me Nunew" I said as I grabbed his hand and he slowly looked up at me...

" Ok just tell me first what you feel when you think about the child inside you?" I asked

" I want to give the best and want to give a perfect family" he said

" Then why don't you try and give your can't just's not a child know that right?" I asked him and he nodded

" But I can't....I can't give anything" he said

" Why I can help you find the best  job if you worry about that" I said

" It's not about job Zee " he said

" Then what is it about Nu?" I asked him

" It's about the family Zee...the perfect family which I can't give" he said sobbing a little...

" Why??Is the father of the child doesn't want you? Why don't you tell him you are pregnant" I said

" I don't think he will understand Zee" he said

" Ok then tell me I will talk to him and make sure he will understand " I said whipping his tears...

" Then make sure you understand " he said and got up from the couch and left suddenly...

I looked at his back and try to understand what he mean...I was thinking of going to check him but he suddenly came back and was going towards the door...

" Hey where are you going?" I asked as I walked towards him

" I think it's time for me to go back home" he said walking but I held his wrist and made him stop...

" You can't just leave like that'' I said

" Why not?" He asked as I thought

" Because it's healthy for the baby and you offcourse" I replied

" But I won't keep the baby and I can keep myself healthy" he reply....

" Just stay here for 1 week plz and rethink about you decision" I plead him as he sigh

" Fine just 1 week " he said as he walked back...


I was hurt when he talked about the child father...what was I supposed to tell him that it's was my first time and he is the father of the child inside my belly...I thought of going back to my house to help me think about what to do when he stop me and beg me to stay for 1 week and I had to accept...

I walked back to the room and sat on the chair...I bring my knee close to my chest and started crying...I don't even know when I doze off but when I woke up I was wrapped in a blanket....I went downstairs and looked around hoping to see Zee but I didn't found him...I wake to the kitchen to see a note...

'' Hey I know it's really hard for you right now and I know I don't understand you but just for once think about how happy the child will be when he finds how great parent you will be and I know how great you will..I just hope you don't give up on the child and I made some food for you just in case I'm late....And if you need anything just text me" - Zee

I smile looking at the note though he doesn't know that this child is his but still he cares a lot....I walked to eat some food and I thought of calling my mom...I know I can't tell her the truth now but I want to know what she I called her and she picked up after few rings...

" Hey my baby how are you?" She asked

" I'm fine how are you mom? I asked

" I'm fine too and I missed you" she replied as I smile

" I missed you more mom" I said

" So actually mom I wanted to ask you something that why I called and I hope I'm not disturbing you" I said.

" Offcourse not what do you want to ask?" She said

" What do you think of single parents?" I asked hesitately

" Umm I think it's hard but if there are both parents it will be easy and a perfect family just like ours...but who is being parents" she said

" It's one of my friend and thank you so much mom...bye and I will call you later" I said

" Bye son and take care " she said

" You too mom" I said as I hung up the call

I sighed in relief but soon I looked down on my belly and gently place my hand..

" Do you think he will accept us when he knows the truth baby?" I asked


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