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It's been almost a month since they have been leaving with each other because Zee said it will be best to live with him to which Nunew agreed...They went to Nunew house to bring some clothes as he will living with him till birth...

As they reached Zee house he turned to see Nunew sleeping peacefully.....He wanted to wake him up but he decided not as he had been tired with all his crying during the night and barely slept...


I opened his side door and took him in my arms like a bridal style...That was the first time I saw him this close...

" How come you are so beautiful even when you are sleeping?" I thought as I carried him to the bedroom....

I slowly put him down and covered him with a blanket... I sat on the edge of the bed and slowly caressed his cheeks and moved his hair from the forehead....

" How can someone even make you cry??....I wish you could be mine so I can give you anything in the world that you deserve " I thought....

" Mine..........." I said and looked at him...

I kissed his forehead and left the room and went to my room...

" Ohh God Zee plz he is carrying someone else's child how can you think of making him yours" I cursed myself for thinking this way...

" But I promise to help him with the baby" I thought....

" Uurgg Zee what have you done" I said to myself then I walked to the bathroom to let myself calm down...

After I finished shower I thought of making lunch for us as we haven't eaten anything and Nunew have to eat for himself and the baby...l went to the kitchen to make us food...

I was busy making food when I heard footsteps coming from first I thought he was going to come but the stop there....I turned and saw him looking at me fondly....I smile and soon smirk at him

" Am I the most attractive painting you have seen" I asked making him flustered

" Umm .No..I was...just" he shutterd

" I'm just kidding come and have a seat" I said to which he shyly came and sat...

" So what are you making?" He asked lifting his head a little...

" It's secret and it's special" I said to which he pout cutely

" You always say that" he said and I laughed...

" Hey beautiful it's a surprise I promise" I said to which he froze and soon I realised what I said and I too froze at my word...

" Umm ok" he said quietly


His sudden word made both of us froze...I blushed at his word but luckily he hasn't seen me...I said ok because I don't have any word to say... I sat there for a while...after he was done he placed a plate infront of me...I looked at him with confusion...

" What this?" I asked looking at him

" It's our lunch" he said as he take seat facing me..

" But you said it's special " I replied with a pout to which he giggled

" First eat this then I will give you this surprise" he said

" Ok but you have to take me to eat ice cream" I said as he nodded...

As we start to eat we could looked at each other in mean time... I suddenly put down the spoon and then looked down at my belly for a while...

" What happened is the food not good?" He asked with concern

" It's good" I replied and start eating again

After we finished our food he took me to the couch and he left for kitchen...then he came back with his hand in the back...

" Here you go" he said as he placed a closed plate in front of me...

" What is this Zee?" I asked

" Open it" he said

I looked at him for a moment and he nodded me to open And I slowly opened and soon gasped...

" Chocolate cake" I said with the brightest smile...

" I know you like eating sweet and that's why I made this and it was the surprise not lunch" he said

" Thank you so much Zee" I said and hug him..

" You welcome " he said

We stayed for a while then I realised I hug him and soon broke the hug and smiled nervously...

" Can I eat " I asked looking at him with boba eyes

" Off course" he said and I started eating...

" Umm Nunew can I ask you something" he said suddenly to which I humm in reply

" So at what month you are?... I mean your pregnancy" he said and I froze...

" Did he already know?" I thought

" I don't know exactly it's was just i started feeling dizzy and started puking " I replied

"Then we can go to the hospital to check and even have to take medicine for you to make sure you both are healthy " he said to which I nodded because I want my child to be healthy...

" Then after you finished let's go and after we done with hospital we can go for shopping and have some ice cream" he said to which I start jumping hearing ice cream...

" Are you that excited?" He asked me giggling

" Obviously I going to have ice cream" I replied to which he giggled more...

" Ok² let's go" he said

We went upstairs and changed our clothes and dropped to the hospital...

" You are almost in 4 month and your baby bump will slowly appear" the doctor said

" You will feel nausea more and have to take more rest and have more healthy food and come back after 2 weeks" he said writing something on the paper...

" Ok and thank you " I replied and left the hospital

We went shopping and had ice cream and came I was going inside my room Zee suddenly stop me and hugged me...

" I'm sorry" he said and I just let him...

" But why sorry??? " I thought

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