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It's been 2 months since the first and last time Zee and Nunew have met...They are both busy with their own work but can't seem to focus as they both have been thinking about each other....

Nunew Pov

I was working in the coffee shop when I suddenly felt throwing up...
I stood up n tap Nat shoulder telling him to look over n going directly to the bathroom to throw up....I stay there for a sometime before cleaning my face....

I walk back to the counter where Nat was making coffee....

" Hey are you ok?"asked Nat

" I fine... I guess" I replied not knowing how I feel now...

"What happened jelly?" Asked Nat handling me a cup of water

" I don't know but I keep throwing up from 2 days" I replied as i took a sip of water

" Have you been to doctor?" Asked Nat worriedly....

" Not yet..but I think i ate something 2 days ago which kind of sucks" I replied with a chuckle....

" Then why don't you go to hospital?" Said Nat....

" I'm ok... It's just I have to take rest n have lots of tasty food" I said giggling as Nat smile.

" Ok ...but if you are not feeling well then take rest na" said Nat with a smile...

" jelly~~~ I said as Nat n I burst into small laughter....

Zee Pov

I was signing some documents when my secretary came knocking...I lift my head to gesture her to come....She hand me a few documents.....

" Sir, this is the document to the new project which was given by Sir Max". said my secretary....

" Why did Max gave you this document n where is he?" I asked looking down at the documents...

" Sir Max will be here soon" said my secretary n I gesture her to leave....

Few minutes later...

I was reading the document for the new project but I had no idea how n what this project will be..soon the door open n Max walk towards me giving me the coffee he bought....

" What this new project Max?" I asked as I take sip from the coffee....

" It's a project given by my cousin because he wants to work with you" said Max making himself comfortable in the sofa...

" But why me?" I asked confused...

" Because he think that working with you will make him profit n he will be more experienced" said Max as I frowned in confuse....

" Ok... But I have to talk to him first and decide whether to take the deal or not" I said...

" Ok as you wish." Said Max getting up ....

" I will tell him to come tomorrow " he said before walking towards the door...

" You just came now and where are you going? I asked him as he turn...

" Hmm going somewhere to meet someone " he said with a smirk on his face...

And I know what that means I sighed as he left the office....I made myself busy with work...But suddenly there was a thought that cross my mind....

"Where is he? "....

" Is he fine?".....

" Do I ever get to see you again?...

I sighed as i realised I was in the same thoughts again....Well it's not the first time..

"Agrhh why I'm thinking about him again" he thought sighing

I wish we could meet once again......

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