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I didn't get any sleep last night....All I did was keep tossing around....I kept thinking how can I be this much rude to Nunew especially at the time like this when he is half through his pregnancy and any hard work or stress will make his health worse.....I promise him that I will keep him safe with me but I hurt him so bad .....

I shouldn't have shouted at him in the first place and should have listened to him....I thought all the possible way to how I'm going to say sorry to him and tell him not to be mad.... I kept thinking all night...

I didn't realise when it became morning.......
For a few minutes I didn't wanted to wake up but I thought it will be good to say sorry to Nunew by making his favourite breakfast with some macaron...

I freshen up and went downstairs to make special breakfast....As I was almost done with  making breakfast I thought of waking up but as I left the kitchen I saw one maid dragging something...I quickly went near her and asked her what was that....Soon I realised and freaked out....


Last night I abruptly stood from the couch and left the living room without looking back...I know he might be regretting some of his words but he can't just yell at me and say I want to abort the child just for someone else...I'm not so cruel or a bad person who can abort a baby for someone else...

I reached my room locked and soon dropped on the floor crying...It hurts so bad  that he thought of me so low and how can he say I took advantage of him....I cried for a long time then I slowly stood and went to the bathroom...washed my face and went to tug myself inside the bed... I slowly put my hand on my baby bump and caressed it...

" Baby I'm really sorry if you won't be able to feel your father love but I promise I will never leave you...I promise to love you more than anything...Plz don't be made at me when you come to this world even if I can't give you anything" I said as I start crying..

I know I can't give the baby the father's love and I can't give everything but I promise myself that I will take care of my child no matter what everyone says..

" Tomorrow we will go to my house baby because He said we took advantage of him and I don't want to burden him more and I'm hurt from his words...So plz forgive me for taking you away from your daddy" I said sobbing while I dozzed of to sleep.....

Next morning I woke up from the rays coming through the window.....I opened my eyes and I feel all sore from all crying..I stayed in the bed for a few minutes then I decided to take shower...After I was done I called Nat....

" Good morning jelly" I said

" Morning jelly how are you?" He asked me

" I'm ok Nat but I have a favour to ask you" I said feeling slight nervous

" What is it jelly " he asked

" Can you pick me up I want to go home" I said

" Why did you want to come home suddenly" he asked

" Plz don't ask any questions now" I said feeling a little irritate

" Ok² don't be mad and tell me when I have to pick you up " he said ..

" Maybe after 1 and half hour" I said as I have to pack...

" Ok then when you think it's time just call me and I pick you and drop the address plz" he said

" Ok thank you Nat" I said as he humm in reply and hung up the call...

I then went up to the closet ...took out my clothes and start packing....After I was done I called the maid and told her to take my luggage downstairs....After she left I was looking at the room for the last time where I have been lived for almost 6 months....A tear feel down from my cheeks and I wiped and went out...

As I was walking I thought of at least telling Zee that I will going and he doesn't have to bother himself too much thinking about the baby and the thing he said yesterday.....I forgave him because he was right he didn't remember anything and I didn't even bother to tell him it's was his baby....

As I reached his room I took a deep breath and knocked at his door...but there was no reply....i knocked twice but there was no reply so I decided to check and the room is empty....Maybe he went to the office....

I slowly walked dowstairs with one hand supporting my back as it's hurts so bad and feet too....There I saw he was wearing casual dress and was scolding the maid...I slowly walked and he may have known my presence....

He turned and walked towards me..I didn't wanted to have conversation with him right now...

" How do you think you are doing Nu?" He asked me angrily

" Plz Zee I don't want to have any conversation right now" I said walking away from him...

He walked towards me and grab my wrist tightly making it hurts so badly....I tried to remove but he was way stronger....

" What the hell do you think you are doing?" He almost shouted making me flinch...

" I'm not doing anything Zee just leave my hand it's hurts" I said with tears filled my eyes...

" Then what's this Nu?" He asked making me surprised

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