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I woke up earlier than him...Last night he slept in my arm...I guess he was really tired with going to hospital then shopping with a cute belly....I took him to bed for him to get sleep comfortably....I was looking at him when he snuggle at me more....I find it cute when he snuggles when he sleeps...

I decided not to wake him up and went downstairs to make breakfast for him....I cleaned the house as I liked my house to be cleaned and the things to be in perfect place...I then went to get freshen up....

I thought of taking Nu to somewhere as it being a long time when we out together...and luckily I have taken a day off....I went back downstairs to heat up the breakfast...I was sipping the coffee when I felt someone looking at my direction....

I turned to see Nunew standing at the stairs looking at me but something feels off...I walked upto him to help him walk slowly....

" Good morning Nu" I said as he looked at me

"I'm sorry I didn't woke you up cause I thought you needed some rest" I said as I was going to held his hand

" Excuse me who are you?" He asked making me look at him

" Nu it's not time to joke come and have breakfast " I said as I held his and walk towards kitchen

" But who are you and why are you in my house" he asked making me freeze at my spot

" Nu what are you saying and what happened " I asked

" First off all I don't know who you are and how you got inside my house but can you like leave my hand" he said looking down on my hand as I hold him tightly

" Nu don't you remember me?" I asked holding him both hand lightly

" No...did we met?" He asked

" Nu please joking if you are trying to punish me for lying about yesterday " I said

" But I don't remember anything " he said making me panick

" Nu don't you remember me " I asked him as he shook head

" Then what about our baby" I asked as he laughed making me more confused

" Excuse me Mr....Have you gone mad???" He asked me laughing

" I'm not and you are pregnant with my's our baby " I said as he laughed more

" Mr....Have you seen any man get pregnant and for your information it's still not possible " he said as I looked at his belly

" Then what about your belly" I asked as he looked at him belly

" Having a big belly doesn't mean I'm pregnant " he replied

" Then how come your belly is this big " I asked as he makes confused face

" Maybe I ate too much but isn't it too much even if I eat a whole box of macaron" he asked as he caressed his belly

" How about you tell me what happened?" I said trying to be patient and not get panicked at this moment

" I came home after I was tired from working at cafe till late night and after I reached home I ate macaron and then I guessed I slept in the couch" he replied

" How about you eat you breakfast and then we go to the hospital " I said

" Before that who are you" he asked me

" I'm Zee....Zee Pruk Panich.... remember" I said trying to figure what actually happened..

" Ohhh shit....did I got drunk and bought someone home last night....ohh" he said as he hold his head

" Who did you bring when you were drunk?" I asked in a cold tone...

Am I jealous about him bringing someone home...

" Why did you ask?" He asked

" Just tell me" I said in a serious tone as he started laughing making me confused


I woke up with a slight headache and my whole body aches right now....I was in my bed but the last thing I remember was that I was on the couch tired and slept there....

I woke up holding my waist....why does it hurt so much....I massaged a bit till how much I reached...I then went to shower and dressed up and looked at my belly.... isn't it too much how much my belly is...

I smelled something delicious coming from downstairs....I walked slowly and went downstairs...I saw how well he looked working and in casual dress....i hope to see him more in casual dress....I stood there on the stairs looking at him...

" I'm sorry I didn't wake you up" he said as he held my hand walking towards the kitchen

" Who are you?" I asked him as he turned

" Nu what are you saying " he asked me

" I'm sorry but I don't remember seeing you " I said

" Nu stop joking around and if you want to punish me for yesterday do it but don't joke around like this" he said seriously

" I'm really sorry but I couldn't remember...I guess I had a lot of drinks.....oh...shit did I bring someone again" I said as I held my head

" Nu who did you bring " he asked

" Why do you want to know" I asked

" Just tell me" he asked

I guess he is really possessive and more kind of jealous...

" I don't remember anything" I said

" Nu please tell Hia you are joking.... don't be mad at me for yesterday....I wanted to suprise you that why I lied to you.... please tell Hia you are just joking" he said as he held my hand

" Hia..." I said

" And tell Hia that you didn't bring anyone when you were drunk....I don't want anyone to be with you or near you....but only me..... Please tell Hia" he said almost in a jealous tone

" Hia..." I said

" Yes Nu tell Hia the truth" he said almost tears in his eyes

" Hia....." I said as I looked at him trying my best

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