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I dropped Nunew to the hospital and came to the office to sign some documents as I haven't come to the office for a week because I was with him and I don't want to leave him alone...

I was busy with some documents but soon my eyes landed in a magazine....I was something related to rings....I took the magazine and saw the pages... It's was...

" The promise rings for the loved ones" I read and soon Nunew came into my mind...

" The ring will look beautiful in his hand" I thought when my eye caught a's was simple yet elegant....But.....

Nunew decided to abort the child....But why????I don't know why but I was feeling sad...It was his decision and I fully accepted it and I  was suddenly feeling regret and losing of something important....I don't know what is happening but I feel uneasy but then something cross my mind... What if....I realised and gasped and suddenly run outside...As I was inside the elevator I called my secretary...

" I want you to do something" I said

" Yes sir what can I do for you?" My secretary replied...

" I want you to go to my office there was a magazine in which I circled a picture and I want you to get it for me now" I said

" Like right now sir?!!" She asked

" Yes I want it right now " I said and hung up

I went downstairs, took my car and drove as fast as I can...I have lots to thing going inside my mind and the first thing is the want to ask him some questions....

" I just hope it's not too late" I thought as I speed up...


I directly went inside when Zee left and I didn't bother to look because I could cry anything...I went to the reception and asked for the doctor who attended me they told me to wait as the doctor was seeing some patients....So I just decided to wait...

I went to the bench and sat there....after some time a couple came and sat beside me and she was pregnant.... At first I try to ignore but I saw how happy they were looking at the baby bump while they caressed it....

I then looked at my belly for a while and wanted to touch it...I was just about to touch when the nurse called my name and I went inside the doctor cabin...I sat there and doctor scan for a while then he spoke...

" Are you alone?...where is the other person that came with you last time?" He asked me

" He is busy and I don't really needed him" I answer trying my best with a smile

" So Mr. Chawarin what have you decided?" He asked me

" I want to abort the child  as I can't raise the child and I extremely feel sorry but I can't do anything " I replied looking down

" It's ok if it is your decision and you can just wait outside for a while we set up the equipments" he said to which I nodded and went outside...

I again sat on the bench and looked at my belly...I slowly put my hand on the belly and said..

" I'm really sorry baby if I can't give you the life and if you can't see this beautiful life but I hope and pray that in next life I could find you" I said as tears rolled down my cheeks...

I waited for a while and then the nurse called me....I stood up and was about to go inside when a familiar voice stop me....I slowly turned around and it's Zee...

" Nunew stop you can't do this " he said as he ran towards me catching for breath

" What and why are you here?" I asked confused...

" Just don't do it please " he said as he stand near me

" But why Zee?" I asked

" First just take a seat and listen to me carefully ok" he said and let me sat on the bench...

He then slowly bend down on his knees and hold my hand as he caressed with his thumb finger...

" Look I just don't want you to abort this child and I don't feel good about it...I don't know who is the child father is but I want to take care of the child...I just want to let that child have a beautiful life like you wanted...I will take the full responsibility of this child" he said as tears rolled down my cheeks again but this time it's more...

He then took something from his pocket and it's a box and it opened it revealing a ring...

" He is going to propose to me" I thought when I saw the ring but it was just a dream

" It's a promise ring and with this ring I want to promise you this that I will take this child as my own and give the best life this child deserves" he said as he slide the ring in my finger...

" Please Nunew just don't abort it and let this beautiful child live" he said as I cried more loudly...

He then hug and patted my back to help me calm down...But then the nurse called me again and Zee looked at me with his pleading eyes telling me not to...

I calm down and took Zee hand and took him to the doctor office...

" I don't want to abort this child doctor " I said as Zee looked at me with smiling bright with tears in his eyes

" It's really a good decision that you made Mr. Chawarin and I hope you take good care of yourself " he said as he stood up tapped Zee shoulder and left...

" Then can we go back now and I promise I will help you to take care of both you and the baby whenever you need me" he said as we left smiling happily

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