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When I told him to take off the clothes I saw how he shuttered and had a blushed on his face...He looked really cute but when he started opening up his shirt slowly showing the soft and smooth shoulder I could take my eyes off him...he really looked stunning and hot....I kept looking at him thinking how much smooth his body will be...

" Hia stop looking and give me a massage already" he said making me looked at him...

" Sorry " I said as he looked forward

He just sat on the bed as giving him massage while he lay on his stomach is impossible for him now...I put the oil on my hand , rubbed at little and the touch his soft skin...I slowly move my hand into his shoulder.....I know for sure if I kept touching his body I won't last long....

" Nu how about you lay a little so I could massage your back'' I said as he turn around to face me...

" Hia you know I can't lay on my stomach but I really want a back massage because my back really hurts so bad" he replied pouting...

I thought for a can I make it easier for him to have massage without him laying down...

" about you put your head on my shoulder and hold me while I massage your back like I'm hugging you" I told him

" Will it be possible Hia" he asked me

" How about we try ? " I replied

He had wide eyes and was shock as I pulled him towards me all of a sudden..He looked at me in my eyes as if he was in love with me...
He gave me a big sighed and put his head on my shoulder as if he was resting...

''Is it comfortable?" I asked as he nodded in reply..

" Nu" I called all of a sudden

" Khub Hia" he response without looking at me

" How about you sit on my lap so it will be more comfortable for you and me?" I asked as he looked at me...

I looked at him to give me answer but there was just silence...

" It's okay if you are not comfortable" I said immediately

" It's not that Hia" he replied looking down at his hand

" Then " I asked holding his hand

" I'm too heavy and the baby and it will make me more heavy so if I sit on your lap, don't you hurt yourself " he asked making me giggle and laugh a little...

" Why are you laughing Hia?" He asked me

" I'm not" I said as I giggle

" Hia you are teasing me" he said pouting

" No, I'm not" I replied putting my hand up

" Then why were you laughing?" He asked me again

" Because of how you thought about not hurting me and did you really thought I will mind if you and my baby are heavy" I said as I pinch his cheeks

" No, but still I'm heavy and so is your baby" he replied

" Don't worry if it start to hurt I will tell you ok so don't think about anything now just focus on yourself and the baby " I said as he nodded in reply

He moved and slowly sat on my lap..He rested his head on my shoulder then put his hand on my shoulder to support and not fall....I put the oil and slowly move my hand around his waist....It's was really smooth and small...His slender waist was gaining more of my attention....I slowly rubbed and massaged his back while I controlled myself more as I felt his breathing on my neck ...


I try to stay normal as he put his hand around my waist....I breath around his neck and I was more calm when I get to smell his perfume....A few more rubbed on my back and he stopped suddenly... I look at him and saw he was in thought...

" Hia " I called him as I put my hand on his face...

He then looked at me at my eyes and we had kept staring at each other until he put his one hand on my nape as he grab and kissed me making me froze but soon I gave up as I felt nothing but love....We were getting too much out of breath but didn't stop kissing until I realised I was about to open his shirt...I snapped out and looked at him embarrassed...

" I'm sorry Hia" I said and avoided his eyes

" You don't have to say sorry" he said as he pulled me into a hug

I'm really grateful whenever he comforts me...

" Hia can you take me bathroom...I think I need a shower" I said trying to break the silence

" Right now" he asked as I nodded

He the slowly lift me and took me to bathroom and he put some clothes and my small bag in the bathroom which I told him to bring....after I was done I took my bag and grab my cream...I then put the cream back to my bag when I notice an envelope....I opened and saw what was it inside...My smile grew when I looked at it... I then looked at myself in the mirror and then placed my hand on my bell

" I think it's time you tell your daddy about you" I said as I smiled

After I was done I went back to the room just to see Hia standing by the balcony...I walked slowly and put the envelope beside a small table near the table where His was standing...

" Hia what are you doing outside?" I asked as he turn and held my hand

" Nothing...are you done" he asked as I nodded...

" If you wanna share something I'm always there by your side " I said

" Nu can I hug you?" He asked me as I nodded in reply

There was a big silence with just our breathing can be's was really beautiful view with him hugging me and I'm carrying his's still like a dream...

" Nu...I am really thankful to you for giving me a chance in your life and to carry my child....I will never be able to repay you for the happiness you have given me" he said making me turn to him...

" I should be thankful to you for staying beside me and our baby" I said as I realised something...

" Hia I have something to tell you?" I said

" What is it Nu?" He asked me...

I smile and looked at him....I then pulled his hand and put on my belly as he looked at me in confusion...

" Hia it's a baby boy" I said as his eye grew widen

" Nu are you serious?" He asked me as I nodded

" Yes Hia...our baby is a boy" I replied as tears rolled down his cheeks as well as mine...

He cried as he knelt down on his knees and kissed my belly...He cried and hugged me....

" Thank you so much Nu" he said as I wipe his tears...

"It will be only 1 and half month until you can see him" I said as he sobbed

" Hey my baby's your daddy... please be healthy till I met you" he said as he kissed my belly making me giggle...

We then went back and lay on bed...He played with his baby boy until I scolded him to get back to sleep....It's was one of the best night I had in a while....

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