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It's been a week Nunew has left Zee house to stay at his place and to understand how he will tell Zee the truth....He doesn't just want to tell the truth but also to feel love from Zee for him and baby...As he already likes him....


"I am really going crazy" I thought to myself as I leaned on my couch...

It's been just week and I am missing Nunew.. The day I dropped him to his house I didn't feel anything and went directly to my office as I don't have anything to do...I didn't think anything about him while I was at work but as soon as I reached home I felt alone for the first time in my life though I have lived alone almost most of my life...

I walked into the house and saw the house was really silent....The days when Nunew was there the house was alone cheerful and felt like a peaceful home but now he is gone I start missing him...I went upstairs and walked directly into his room...There was still his sweet vanilla smell...I went and sat on the bed and lay down...I didn't realise I slept in his room...

I woke up the next morning when my phone rang ..I thought it was Nunew as I was excited and picked up just to hear an annoying voice...

" Are you still sleeping?" Asked joss my friend

" Yes why can't I take day off from my own company" I said in annoyance

" Off course why not" he replied

" Just say why did you call" I said rudely

" Common man don't be rude..I just call you to ask if you want to go to the bar for hangout" he asked me

" Don't you know my answer" I said as they know I don't like going out

" I know but I was just curious if you want to go" he asked

" No I'm busy" I replied

" As you say but there will be some hot chicks " he said as I rolled my eyes in annoyance...

" I don't think I want to have more conversation as you already know my answer " I said as I hung up not letting him to speak...

I wanted to see Nunew...All day as I was in home I thought of cleaning the house but my mind is literally busy missing him...But why??

" Am I starting to like him" I thought

I shook my head and stated working again just to make myself busy but the work was in vain....


I suddenly started missing him...I really like Zee but I don't have the courage to tell him because I thought he will reject me...He makes me feel comfortable whenever he was close to me...I thought of going back but I wanted to know exactly what I feel for him...I know it's not just how attractive when I first saw him but I actually started to have feelings for him when I started living with him...

I thought of going out with Nat today go enjoy some shopping because he wants to spoil the child now...I laughed when he said that.... We even enjoyed our little outing...

I thought of going back now because I really don't want my baby to miss this chance... actually more like I missed him and wanted to see him... I wanted to surprise him and I thought of something...And it's already time for him to go home so I took out my phone and call him...

" Hey Zee where are you" I asked

" Umm still at office..why something happened" he asked immediately making me giggle

" No I'm fine and the baby too." I replied

"Then do you want something" he asked again

" No I just called you" I said and there was silence

" Umm so when are you going home " I asked breaking the silence

" Maybe after I finished before 8 maybe " he replied as I smiled thinking

" Ok then I just called you to inform you that I will come back tomorrow" I said

" Really you are not joking right" he asked excitedly

" Yes then I will call you tomorrow" I said..

" Ok sure I will come pick you up" he said

" Bye Zee see you soon" I said thinking how he will be surprised

" Bye see you" he replied and hung up...

I immediately went upstairs and packed my clothes and call for a taxi....I already informed Nat that I will be leaving... After sometime the taxi and I left my house....

I reached the home by the time and I know he already reached him as I asked him on the way...I paid for the taxi and took my luggage and walked towards the house...I was more nervous than I was when I first came...I calm myself and rang the bell... Soon the door opened revealing him in his pyajamas with wide eyes with shocked written on his face...

" Hi" I said as I wave at him with smile

He didn't reply me but instead he suddenly hug me tightly...I hesitate at first but soon I hug him back...

" I missed you Nu I missed you so much" he said making me shiver and felt greatful knowing he was missing me and I made a right choice by coming...

" I missed you too " I said as he slowly broke our hug...

" But how come you are here you said you will come tomorrow" he asked as we went to sit on the couch

" I wanted to surprise you" I said as I smile

" Did you have dinner I was about to cook" he said

" Not yet but I want you to cook for me I missed the food " I said as I rub my belly with a pout...

" Ok I will and don't pout or else I will eat you instead" he said making me blush...

We went to the kitchen...He start chopping some veggies as my eyes slowly move from his eyes to his lips ...i gulped when I notice his veins as he rolled up his shirt...He then slowly looked at me and came closer and kissed me making my eye widen but then I kissed him back...

He then slowly moved from my lips to my neck and slowly started unbotting my shirt...his hand slowly traced my body and as his hand slowly went down and he was about to put his hand inside my pants....and...


" Hey what happened I have calling you" he said as he wave his hand...

" Nothing" I replied as I blushed hard making him chuckle

" Guess someone was having a wild dream" he said smirking

" No I didn't" I said as he laughed...

We are dinner with him teasing me and went to sleep with him again teasing me...

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