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As Zee walked through the doctor's office he was feeling more worried about how to tell Nunew about the conversation with the doctor and how he has to make decisions for both the baby and for him before it's too late...As Zee walked more he felt more nervous than before...


I was waiting outside the room as I know Nunew will need alone time but feeling not good to keep him alone in this room and let him face this situation alone... so I decided to go and talk to him....

" You can do this Zee... at least you can help him as a friend and then find other things later" I said to myself before walking inside....

I saw him curl up to his knee and his shoulder was shaking... I guess he was crying which made me feel bad so I quickly walked towards him and sat in front of him so that he could face me and understand whatever I was going to say....

" Nu" I called his name and he slightly lifted his face revealing his red eyes...

"Zee what am I going to do?" He asked as I held his hand...

" First you need to calm down and not stress yourself...and second how about we go home first and take rest and then we can that ok?" I asked him as I don't want him to be stressed thinking about anything....

"Can we go home?" He asked me and I nodded....

We left as Nunew was telling me he doesn't like staying in hospital and it's already midnight when we reached my house and I offer him to stay at my house because it will take time reaching his house and we both are tired....

As he walked through my house looking around I thought of breaking the silence....

" Nu could like to eat like a late snack or something?" I asked as we walked

" Anything is fine if it's not too tired" he replied looking at the floor shyly...

" Ok then you can sit on the couch and I will bring you something real quick" I said and went to the kitchen....

I made a plain pasta and some cut some fruits as I know he will be hungry as we didn't stop anywhere....After I finished I walked towards the sofa with the tray but soon i saw him sleeping peacefully...I put the tray on the table and kneel down to see his face....

" I don't know how you can be so cute" I said almost whispering as I caressed his cheeks try not to wake him up...but due to my cold hand he woke up....I try to act normal...

" Sorry you looked really tired so I didn't woke you up" I said getting up

" It's ok" he replied

" Now that you woke up how about you eat and then you can take shower and then sleep" I said as I grab th tray and I gave the pasta to him

" Ok " he simply said and we both start to eat in silence

After we finished I took him to the spare room...

" You can take rest here and if you need anything I'm in the next room just call me" I said

" Thank you so much Zee for letting me stay here" he replied

" Ok then take rest and good nyt" I said as i slightly kissed his forehead and I don't know why I did...

" Good nyt" he said as he inter the room...

I walked away after he closes his door and let myself have some shower and then jump on my bed to sleep and I really needed that...I didn't realize when I doze off....


After we said good nyt I walked inside and saw the room it's big..... I walked and sat on the bed thinking about what to do...I cried thinking what I'm going to do and I can't even tell anyone now ....

I was thinking of taking a shower then I realised I don't have any clothes and I walked towards the balcony and let the cool breeze to help me calm down....I sat there and kept crying all night and I didn't realise when I slept but when I woke up I was in the bed...

" How come I'm in bed when I was sitting in the balcony" I thought as I rub my eyes

" It's better to get up" I said and walked downstairs and saw Zee sipping coffee....

" Ohh you woke up" he said when he saw me and I nodded

" Why don't you get fresh up and I make you some breakfast" he said as I looked at my clothes

" I don't have any clothes with me now" I said as I hang my head down

" Ohh sorry I forgot but you can borrow my clothes" he said

He walked to his room and after a while he came back some clothes and he handed me

" It will be little big but just adjust till we get you new clothes" he said

" Thank you so much'' I said

" Then go and get fresh up " he said slightly pushing me...

I walked and got a fresh shower thinking about what I have to decide.... After I finished and dress up I walked downstairs and there was a tasty smell coming...

" Hey great timing I just finished making breakfast" he said as I took a sit..

" What did you make ?" I asked

"I made congee and I hope you like it" he said as he gave me a bowl...

" It so delicious" I said as I took a bite and he smiled brightly.

" Then after you finished eating we can talk about what you are going to decide ok" he said and I froze for a while..

" Ok" I said a bit shuttering..

After we finished we sat on the couch for the long awaited conversation....

" I don't want this baby" I said....


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