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As the day went by both Zee and Nunew were  getting closer... Zee could come home and greet Nunew by hugging him...They both became really comfortable... Sometimes they could go for a drive or they could go for dinner....


I took a break from the office because i wanted to bring Nunew to somewhere and I have to ask him....We were on the couch eating popcorn while watching the movie...

" So umm do you have any plans for tomorrow?" I asked grabbing his attention

" I was thinking I should go home for a few days" he said

" Why you don't like staying with me?" I asked frowning

" I like staying with you but it's been month and I haven't met Nat and gone home" he replied giggling

" Ohh ok then I will drove you and when you finish meeting him just call me I will pick you up" I said feeling relief

" Umm Zee I was actually thinking if I can stay in my home for a few days" he said making my eye widen

" You want to stay at you home?" I asked him

" Yes just for a few days if you don't mind...I will call you when I will come back" he said

" But who will take care of you when you are staying alone?" I asked him

" I can still take care of myself it's not too hard" he replied

" Ok if that what you want" I said

We continue to watch the movie but I couldn't focuse on the movie....All my mind was busy with the thought that he will be gone for a few days and I will be alone ....


I told Zee that I wanted to stay at home for a few days but I didn't tell him the reason that I have to tell Nat about the pregnancy and all the stuff because I'm afraid he will know the truth and I couldn't afford to lose both the baby and Zee...

I saw how his facial change all of a sudden...
I want to tell him that the baby in my womb is his child but I wouldn't because he doesn't love me and I don't even know if he will really accept when he knows the truth...

Next morning he told me he will drop me to which I refused but he still insist... After we reached we stood my the door and he hugged me...

" Take care of yourself and the baby plz and if anything happens just call me immediately" he said as he let go of me...

" Ok you too take care of yourself" I said as he walked towards his car and left...

I went inside and I sat down on the couch and thought what I have to do...i haven't seen Nat but we called each other and now I decided to call Nat and tell him everything

" Hey Nat" I said through the phone

" Hey jelly " he replied

" Nat can you come over to my house after you closed the cafe" I said

" Ok is everything alright??" He asked

" Yes I'm fine and can you bring some food in the way plz" I said

" Ok jelly anything else " he said

" No and drive safe when you come" I said

" Ok bye jelly I have to customers" he said as he hung up...

I thought to taking shower till Nat comes...I went to the shower and took off my clothes and I looked myself at the mirror...

" Hey baby are you good....I know you can't reply me but I'm sorry if you have to leave your dad for a while because I have to stay here for a while...I promise I will go back soon to your dad...till then I will take care you" I said rubbing my baby bump...

After I took shower I dried myself and lay down on the bed for a while and soon dozed off....I woke up from the ringing of my phone...

" Umn hello" I said with a sleepy voice

" Are you sleeping?? Did I disturb you?" Said the other person as I looked at my phone and realised it's

" Ohh Zee no you didn't disturbed me " I replied waking up from the bed...

" Ok then have you eaten anything" he asked me

" Not yet...I took shower and slept" I replied

"Then eat something and have a lot of rest and don't stress yourself" he said

"Ok Zee you too don't stress yourself and have dinner at time" I said

" Ok then good night I still have a meeting to attend then I will go back" he said

" Ok good night" I replied and hung up...

I then went downstairs and decided to wait for Nat...I was scrolling my phone when I received a message from Nat that he is outside...I went and opened the door and saw him carrying food and some bags...

We kept the bags in the kitchen and went to sit on the living room....

" So what do you want to talk about jelly" Nat asked me

" First you have to make sure not to scream and listen till the end before questioning anything" I said and he nodded with ok sign

" So you remember 3 months back we went to the bar and had drinks" I said and he nodded again...

" So I was drinking and someone approached me...we both were drunk and slept together" I said to which Nat gasped and he was about to say something when I stopped him

" Listen first....then when we woke up he told me he didn't remember anything and it hurt I decided to just go and I didn't even looked back...And that person is Zee... remember he drove me when I suddenly felt sick and he decided to help me... I haven't met him till I saw him in the cafe I promise " I said as I looked at Nat waiting for any reaction or any word...

" Can I say now?" He said to which I slightly nodded

" Do you perhaps like him" he asked me

" I don't know Nat" I said looking down

" Then what's the problem it's was just a night and he doesn't remember anything" he said...

" The actual problem is I'm pregnant Nat and the baby is his" I said make his eye widen and he gasped..

" Stop kidding me " he said

" Do you think I will joke you about this" I said as I saw him my baby bump which was slightly a little big...

I explained him everything and how we both ended by crying and comforting each other...

" Have you told Zee?" He asked me

" No but I will tell him after the birth and if he isn't ready then I will raised it my own" I reply

" Will he really accept us after I tell him that it's his child " I thought and looked down on my belly

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