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We reached the resort that I booked earlier more like a homestay as I wanted him to be comfortable and relax during the stay here especially now when he is already stressed out about his due time....He woke as I slowly tapped his shoulder...

"Are we already there Hia?" he asked half asleep

"Yes Nu...we are here...wake up" I replied

"Can you give me five more minutes...I'm really sleepy" he said

"Nu come on lets go....You can take rest inside" I said taking our bags from the backseat

He gave a big sigh and opened his eyes and walked out of the car...He was about to take the bags when I stopped him.....

"Nu don't you dare lift anything heavy during this time" I said in a strict tone

"Hia I'm not a child and I can lift my bags" he replied

"Nu its not being about child...but carrying our child and do you really think with this big belly you will help 😉 ya yourself or our bags" I asked him as he looked at his belly

"Sorry Hia I forgot" he replied giggling

As we walked towards reception everyone started looking at us more like staring at Nu which I guess made him uncomfortable....
I then put my hand around his back and slowly rubbed him... I leaned towards him and whisperd

"Don't worry about people staring because they are jealous about how much beautiful you are looking right now while carrying our baby" I whisperd him making him blushed .

"Stop it Hia...don't tease me" he said as he slightly slapped me and walked towards reception

"Any reservation?" the receptionist asked

"Reservation for Zee Pruk Panich and Nunew Chawarin Panich" I replied as Nu looked as me shocked..

I looked at his direction and laughed a little seeing his reaction...I took the key and walked towards our room...I opened our room and went inside....

"Hia what was that?" he asked me as I explore the room

" What about what Nu?" I asked looking at him

"The reception ,my surname?" he asked

"Why don't you like it?" I asked

"I just asked Hia" he replied as he walked towards balcony

"I wanted to add my surname to your name " I replied walking towards him

"Hmmm" he said

"What happened Nu?" I asked as I hugged him from behind

"Nothing khub" he replied looking out

I turned him to face me and looked into his eyes...I then cupped his cheeks and then slowly grabbed his nape and kissed him on the lips....he then pulled away as I looked at him in confusion

"I'm tired Hia" he said

"Ok then take shower and rest...I will wake you up at dinner time" I said as I kissed him on his forehead...


I was shocked by what Zee said at the reception...I didn't expect's not that I don't Zee surname but putting his surname into mine feels like a's matches so much but I'm afraid that it won't happen....

I took shower and went to bed to take a nap as I was too tired....I look up to Zee as he put our thing carefully...He looked at me and smile....I smiled back and drift away to sleep while looking at him...I don't know how much I slept but when he woke me up it was really dark outside....I slowly rubbed my face and saw Hia sitting near me...

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