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After I saw Nunew I went back home....I sat on the couch as tears started filling my eyes with guilt....I wanted myself to calm down but I couldn't and soon there was a knock on the door....I wiped my tears and opened up the door to see Max with a bag in his hand...

" Why are you here?" I asked walking inside

" You forgot something and I think it's special" he replied walking behind me...

" Keep on the table and you can go" I said sitting on the couch

" Aow why you don't want me here?" He asked

" It's not that Max...I just want to be alone" I replied

" What happened Zee?" He asked me

" I don't know Max" I replied

" Common tell me so I could find a solution for you" he said sitting beside me

" I went to meet Nunew because I really missed him and wanted to surprise him but what I saw there broke my heart and I feel really upset and guilty " I replied looking down

" What did you see there Zee?" He asked as I sighed

" When I saw he was sitting on a bench I thought of walking to him and surprised him but I saw a baby crawling up to him....He picked up the baby and they were playing....I almost wanted to go and join him but I controlled myself....I saw how the baby snuggled and slept in his arm....then after sometime the baby parents came and they chatted and went away " I said taking a big sigh

" Then what is the problem with this Zee?" He asked

" I thought I would take him home with me but as soon as I was about to walk towards him...his friend and him had a conversation saying how it will be so good and happy to get both mine and his love for the baby...He even said that I will never be able to love him and all I did was just for the baby and not for him...I really wanted to tell him it's not the truth but I can't...I shouldn't have treated him badly Max...I regret everything I said to him when I saw the report and now I feel like a coward" I said sobbing as Max tapped my shoulder...

" Then what are you afraid of " he asked as I looked at him

" I want him to be mine ....only mine...but I feel like I don't deserve him and my baby" I replied

" Then why don't you go and tell him" he said as I looked at him

" I can't Max...he will reject me and he deserves much better" I said

" Zee I know you have lots of thoughts going inside your head but just for once think about what you really want to do and will you still want him if he wasn't carrying your baby.... Just think about this and when you make a decision just go tomorrow and tell him" he said as he made me calm down....

" Thank you so much Max " I replied

" Ok bye I have to go and just think before you make any decision" he said and I nodded and left....

I didn't even bugde from the couch...I really wanted to think and clear everything....I wanted him to be with me not because he is carrying my baby but because I know I love him...I really loved him....All this time we had spent together there wasn't any time I regretted....I stood from the couch because right now I know what I have to do....

I picked up my phone and called Nunew a few's ringing but he was not replying.... I panicked thinking something might have happened to him and I rushed to my car driving at his home....

I called again but no one was replying.....I speed up my car as fast as I can....I don't care about traffic....I soon reached his house...I didn't even dare to ring the bell and get inside because the door was open....

I searched for him everywhere but I couldn't find him....I started to panic more and decided to call 911....As I was about to call I heard a faint voice....I followed the voice and soon I was on a was full of flowers and light....Then I saw the most beautiful thing I ever saw and it was Nunew my Nu....He was singing peacefully and his hand on his cute belly....I stood by the door and watched him...he was about to finish his song when I interrupted

" You have a beautiful voice just as you are " I said making him turn

" You came" he said as I walked towards him

" I missed you " he said as I hugged him

"I missed you more and you know that " I said as I broke the hugged just to see him in tears...

" I'm sorry if I took too long to come" I said as I wiped his tears...

" How come you are here Hia? ....You said you have to stay longer" he said sobbing

" I wanted to surprise you that why I have to lie to you...I'm sorry Nu" I said as he shook his head

" It's ok Hia...but I really missed you" he said

" I missed you too " I replied

" Come lets go inside its getting cold and it's not good for you and my baby" I said as I held him by his waist and hold his hand walking inside


I was shocked when I saw Hia but I'm glad he came because I missed him and his baby too...

We went went and sat on the couch....He walked to kitchen and got me a glass of water....I drank and looked at him....

" But Hia how come you are here at this hour?" I asked

" I called you many times but you didn't replied and I got panicked thinking something happened and I rushed here just to see some beautiful singing " he said making me blush

" I'm sorry my phone was in bag and I didn't saw" I replied

" It's ok and I'm really glad you didn't pick up" he said as I looked at him in confusion

" Why is that Hia?" I asked

" Because I get to see you beautiful face in a beautiful garden and I got to hear the best voice " he said making me blushed more

" Stop saying things Hia" I said as I slap his shoulder slight

" Do you really think I'm joking " he said as I looked at him and we both laughed

I then wanted to lean on His and he might have noticed...He didn't said anything and opened his arm...I looked at him and I know what he meant...I gladly lean on his was the best thing which made me comfortable knowing he was there for me and my baby....soon I ended up sleeping on Hia and the last thing I heard

" I love you Nu and I will make you mine " he said as I drift to sleep.... And its was the best dream ever

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