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I woke as I feel my stomach to curl up...
I ignored for the first time because I was really sleeply because I slept at 2 in the morning as I had some work left.....
But the second time I felt like to throw up really badly.....I got up from my bed and immediately rushed to the bathroom to throw up.....I stayed there for half hour as I kept throwing up......

When I finished throwing up I looked at myself in the mirror and realized I looked a little pale....I took shower n came down to have my breakfast...But then I realized I might have eaten something wrong that I keep throwing up.....

"I think I should really go to the hospital " I thought while having my breakfast....

I arrive at the café in time and directly went to change my clothes n start working...
A little later Nat came and stood beside me..

"Hey Good Morning" he said smiling brightly.....

"Morning Nat" I replied with a smile...

"Hey are you ok?" asked Nat with worried...

"Yes, why did something happened?" I asked confused

"You look really pale...r u ok?" he replied

"I slept late n woke up really early today" I replied as I don't want him to know that I kept throwing up and make him worry about me

"Ok but don't forget to take rest when you feel like you are not fine" he said

"Ok Boss" I said joking that when he smack me

"It's hurts" I said rubbing my shoulder....

"Do not take me lightly when its come to you jelly" he said with a sad smile

"Hey I'm sorry n I will take care don't worry" I replied as I know he really cares about me.....

"Now come here and give me hug" he said smiling

I came forward to him and hug him tightly.....
We hug each other for a moment when someone cleared his throat....
He was a costumer...There was a long silence as they both kept looking at each other but why was Nat blushing....

"What can I get for you sir?" I broke the silence

"Can I get 1 black coffee?" he said

"Oh and can I make order for 3 more black coffee in advance" he said

"Ok do you want the coffee now all of them" I asked....

" For now I want just 1 but there will be people coming so I will tell you when to prepare the extra" ....he paused for a moment

" Will it be ok?" He asked

"It's definitely fine Sir just tell me when you will be needing the coffee " I replied with a smile....

"Ok thanks " he said and left....

As he left the counter I came near to ask  Nat why was he blushing and I want to ask who he was....But he ignored me and left me.....
I sighed smiling and continue to work.....

After half an hour of working I thought of walking to bathroom as there was just one costumer and he hasn't left yet....

"I guess he is waiting for someone" I thought

As I was ready to leave suddenly the door of the cafe open..I turn to greet

" Welcome to the ca...fe" I said but soon I froze....

" Is he here"...

"Am I dreaming ".....

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