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The wedding

Everything was perfect according to them..
They didn't have much to do but their friends and family did everything for them... They even got ready and now all they have to do is go to the venue....

As knocked interputed Nunew as he was doing a final touch...

" Come in" he said

" Nunew...." Nat called him as he walked towards him with kuea..

" Aow Nat...kuea" he said smiling

" I can't believe you are finally getting married" Nat said as he put kuea on Nunew lap and hugged him

" I'm gonna miss you" he said as Nat nodded

" I'm gonna missed you to bestie" nat replies

" Just keep kuea with you for a minute I will just go to the washroom" nat said and went away...

" So how's Dada look" he ask kuea as kuea looked at him without blinking

" I know baby I looked beautiful but that doesn't mean you are going to stare at your Dada" he said as he tickles kuea....

" Ok Nu...it's time to go." Nat said as he walked upto them...

They went outside and saw Zee looking at handsome. And then their eyes met...

" You look beautiful my dear" Zee said making Nunew blush.

" You look handsome too" Nunew replied..

As they started walking all the guest stood up...they reached the altar and all guest clapped and the they turn and hold each other hand to take their vows

ZEE :    Today I take your hand in mine and promise to love you and cherish you till my last breath...With you by my side I feel my life to be perfect...I promise to never stop loving you even if your love starts to fade away...I promise to be by your side on the darkest days of our life if you want to walk away....and I promise to honour you as my queen and serve you with all the love you deserve....

NUNEW:   I take you hand and promise to never let go of you even if you want me to..I promise to help you to take whatever challenge comes I will stand by your side and never let go of your hand... Through the darkest days and brightest day of our life I promise to cherish everything....

After vows they put rings on each other hands smiling...

" I pronounce you husbands and now you may kiss" said the priest

Zee looked at Nunew face and realised that they are legally married and now no matter what they will be loving each other....They brought each other a gentle kiss and the Zee whisper..

" I may be gentle now but now on the night" he said making Nu smile with wide eyes..

They enjoyed while giggling and dancing...
Kuea was on Zee lap and Nunew was feeding his baby...but suddenly kuea spoke and it broke Nunew

" Mama" kuea said making Nu stop from feeding him and looked at Zee as tears start to fill his eyes..

" Hia....did you heard what kuea said" Nu ask

" Yes I did and I really happy for you" Zee said as his eyes fill with tears too...

" Mama" kuea called again making Nu hugged his baby....

After they told what kuea said everyone was everyone was very happy...Now it's was for the night that Zee has been waiting for...

" Do you think you can manage" Nu ask Nat

" Everything is done and especially don't worry about kuea because he is enjoying and  Zee parents are looking after him " Nat said as he pointed towards Zee parents

" Ok and then call me if anything happens" Nu said

" Ok and go and enjoy your 1 week of vacation more like honeymoon " Nat said as Nu blush

Now it's was time to go and all they had to say was goodbye so Zee and Nunew walked towards theirs parents...

" Ma...if anything happens please call me immediately " Nu said as he hugged his baby for the last time

" You don't have to worry about anything.....he will be fine and I want you to enjoy" their parents said as they said goodbye and kissed kuea for the last time...

Its was really hard as it was the first time Nu has to leave his baby and go for a week...but he knows it will be ok as their parents know better....

As they walked to the hotel room fill with rose everywhere....Zee didnt waste anytime and pulled Nunew by his waist and kissed him....The kissed more passionately and then Zee put his tongue in Nunew mouth and he stared moaning.. He then pulled Nunew shirt a bit and started kissing his neck...

" Hia..." Nu called as Zee stop and look at him

" What happened Nu" Zee ask

" I'm afraid" nu replied

" But it's not your first time" Zee said

" But it's been a year Hia...and I just feel nervous" he said shyly...

Yes its been years that they had sex and it's didn't mean they didn't want but Nu being pregnant and after that he has to take care of kuea while he recovered....

" Don't be ....I promise I will be gentle and if you feel like you are not ready just tell me" Zee said as he wanted Nu to be comfortable

" No...I want to" Nu said and pulled Zee by his collar and kissed him passionately...

They started undressing each other and Zee slowly suck Nu nipples making him moan louder and Zee hand while pumping Nu dick...

" Hia I can't wait please " Nu said moving as Zee put his hand on Nu hole and stared pushing his fingers...

" What do you want baby" Zee asked

" I want you to fuck me" Nu replied

After hearing what Nu said Zee lowered his body and put his dick at Nunew hole slowly not to hurt him...after a few push and pull nunew told him to move faster..

" Hia please move faster" Nu said as he moan louder ..

The slapping and maoning were heard in the room but they didn't care all they care right now was being in pleasure...

" Come on Daddy faster and deeper please" Nu said making Zee looked at him

" What did you said Nu" Zee asked as he stop

" I want you to fuck me faster Daddy" Nu said making Zee move his hips faster..

" Yes...Daddy " Nu said making Zee move more fast

" I'm...gonna cum..." Nu said as he clutch the sheet tightly

" Come for me baby" zee said as soon they released the cum....

They breathed hard then Zee took nunew and clean him and change their sheets...and lay down hugging each other ..

" I love you Hia" Nu said

" I love you too my Nunew Chawarin Panich" Zee said making Nunew laugh and kissed each other and drift away to sleep...

Though they met unexpectedly and didn't realised how much they have to go to come to this stage but they did and started enjoying life more then ever....

I'm sorry guys for not able to update regularly but I promised to keep this in future and update regularly and I really wanted to say thanks to each one of you who waited willing for me to complete my story and stayed with me in this journey... this story couldn't have been completed if you haven't encouraged me....I really appreciate and thank you for reading my story.....and sorry if I took too much time as I was writing a new one and didn't realised I have one last chapter to finished.....

So I will be uploading my new story at 10pm today so please if you want to read do check my profile.....

Once again thank you❤️❤️❤️🎊🎊🎊🎊

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